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About this example

This example intends to provide a template for building micro-service project basing on spring boot + jax-rs chassis.

The build used in the project is Gradle, please go to How to install Gradle if you don't have it installed in your box.

Of course, you don't have to install Gradle to build this project. you can simply use the gradlew (or gradlew.bat on windows) commands in the project root for all command where gradle is used below.

Respository, a.k.a Artifactory

A local maven repository with mirror of maven-center is suggested. Which repository used is defined in, and credentials used to publish artifacts into respository is defined there either.


Never put your credentials in source code, your can use either environment variable or gradle command line parameters to run gradle commands. For example:

gradle publish -PnexusUsername=mynexususername -PnexusPassword=mynexuspasswork

Actions at init step

  1. Change in settings.gradle

  2. Change descripiton in all those build.gradle files

  3. Execute below build tasks to download dependices

     gradle clean build
     gradle cleanIdea idea
     gradle cleanEclipse eclipse
  4. Use either Eclipse or Intellij IDEA open the project and refactor the package com.upbchain.pointcoin.examplemicro to a proper one for this project.

  5. Reopen your project in IDE after re-generating IDE file as below:

     gradle cleanIdea idea
     gradle cleanEclipse eclipse
  6. Then you can run below to start your micro-service:

     gradle bootRun


app sub project can only be run successfully when your authentication and authorization server is up as by defaut the app has defined as OAuth2 Resource server and needs download the public key from there at start up. But you can start up api sub project without problem.

Sub Projects

We're suggesting to use jax-rs instead of spring restful for our micro-service implementation. To make jerssey jax-rs api auto discovery work, there are two sub-projects defined for each micro-service, api and app. API project is core of the micro-service, all domain, model, service and resource itself would be defined in this project. App project, is about how the micro-service api is configured and exposed, configurations except jax-rs resource api will be defined here.


By default, the /api/ endpoint in api sub project doesn't have any security protectation, it means that you can test your api endpoints easily in api project. If you want to test security protection annotation, you should better run the app sub project which by default uses the jwt token for authentication. Of course to run app project sucessfully you need start up the authentication & authorization server first and then change the jwt token_key url to the correct one in app's application.yml.


Each micro-service deserves a dedicated root package, the nanme of micro-service root package should be com.upbchain.pointcoin..

Spring boot application itself should be defined within root package in app project so as to auto discovery can work well with convention. 1 sub package. If you look at the example skeleton code you would find there is a DummyApplication defined in api project, this is because that putting this dummary application in api project can easier our api development in development stage, it is excluded during package stage.

2 sub pacakges underneath root pacakge:

  • api, this is the root package of the api sub project, most of the implementation and configuration about api itself should be here.
  • configuration, all about spring boot configrations. API itself configuration should defined in api sub project. Application configurations like security etc should define in app sub-project.

6 sub packages are suggested under api's root package for the api of each micro-service:

  • domain, this is all about entities
  • respository, JPA respository. JPA is suggested.
  • service, services defined here.
  • model, the java respsentation of the rest model which this micro-service exposes. POJOs with JSON annotation is suggested.
  • resource, JAX-RS resources defined here.
  • util, utilities used in this micro-service only.

Tips for development

Continuous Development

For those you would like to continuous development without restart, and if you like commandline way to run application, you can open two terminals, in the first terminal execute below command to lunch your application:

gradle bootRun

Of course you can use below_Debug & JVM Options_ to lunch the application in debug mode so as to you can debug on the fly.

And use below command to build the project in another terminal:

gradle build --continuous

Above command will halt the build and execute build automatically each time after you change the source code, and thereafter the applicaiton will reload automactically without breaking your debug breakpoints.

Debug & JVM Options

gradle bootRun -PjvmArgs="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"

Actions to publish to Artifcatory

With the right respository url configured, you can publish artifacts into maven repository as below:

  1. Got the the app sub project
  2. Execute below command if you want to publish the snapshot version
    gradle publish -PnexusUsername=yourusername -PnexusPassword=yourpassowrd
  3. Or execute below command if you want to publish a release version
    gradle publish -PnexusUsername=yourusername -PnexusPassword=yourpassowrd -PreleaseVersion=1.0.0

Actions to build docker images

Docker images were generated automatically if you run above publish command, then you can use the standard docker push to push it to your docker registry.

You can also build docker image for local test without publishing your artifacts to artifcatory with below command:

  1. Got the the app sub project
  2. Execute below command which will build the docker image with a tag of snapshot version
    gradle clean buildDockerImage
  3. Or execute below command if you want to tag the image with a release version
    gradle clean buildDockerImage -PreleaseVersion=1.0.0


the tags array in app/ task defines the tags for the built image, free to change according to your needs.


This template has integrated git plugin which generates a git.proerties basing on your source code repository and exposes git info through actuator's /info endpoints as below:

    "git": {
        "branch": "dev/CPC-5",
        "commit": {
            "id": "612f31b",
            "time": "2017-06-05T06:28:03.000+0000"


JPA is suggested to implement persistent layer. AbstractAuditableEntity should be your base class for all domain entities so as to jpa auditor enabled by default. The EchoEntity and its all relevants is an example of this.

Swagger API & Swagger UI

Swagger 2.0 API and UI are integrated by default. With API sub project booted, you can access the swagger ui as below:



No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published
