Starred repositories
A repo for open resources & information for people to succeed in PhD in CS & career in AI / NLP
UserSimulator (USi) for answering clarifying questions in mixed-initiative conversational search, described in the paper.
[EMNLP-Findings 2020] Adapting BERT for Word Sense Disambiguation with Gloss Selection Objective and Example Sentences
📊 A simple command-line utility for querying and monitoring GPU status
This repository contains the code for the CONLL 2019 paper "Investigating Entity Knowledge in BERT with Simple Neural End-To-End Entity Linking". The code is provided as a documentation for the pap…
Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP models with CheckList
Source code for the EMNLP'17 paper "Deep Joint Entity Disambiguation with Local Neural Attention",
System used in the NAACL 2018 Shared Task on Metaphor Detection
Named Entity Recognition (LSTM + CRF) - Tensorflow
NCRF++, a Neural Sequence Labeling Toolkit. Easy use to any sequence labeling tasks (e.g. NER, POS, Segmentation). It includes character LSTM/CNN, word LSTM/CNN and softmax/CRF components.
Code for the paper "Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Hyperbolic Space"
SP-10K is a large-scale human-annotated selectional preference set. Five selectional preference relations are included.
Natural Language Toolkit for Indic Languages aims to provide out of the box support for various NLP tasks that an application developer might need
Code for the paper "Neural Metaphor Detection in Context".
randy3k / RemoteSubl
Forked from henrikpersson/rsubUse rmate with Sublime Text, an improved fork of rsub.
Ranking and Selecting Multi-Hop Knowledge Paths to Better Predict Human Needs (NAACL 2019)
The code and data accompanying the ACL 2017 "outstanding award" publication "Vancouver Welcomes You! Minimalist Location Metonymy Resolution"
MIT Deep Learning Book in PDF format (complete and parts) by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville