Alex Tarkowski Amar Singh Kevin Perumal Ashley Baldwin-Hunter
Goal: Create forum for posting and sharing questions related to delightful fizzy substance.
Trello link:
#MVP User Stories: As a user I want to be able to ask a question AAU I want to be able to answer a question AAU I want to be able to create an account AAU I want to be able to sign out
- AAU who asked a Question I want to select a best answer
- AAU I want to view questions by their recency
- AAU I want to be able to login
- AAU I want to view the best (the one the questioner selects) answer to a question first
- AAU I want to be able to comment on a question
- AAU I want to see comments displayed from oldest to newest beneath answer and question
- AAU I won't be able to upvote, downvote or create new questions and answers when not logged in