Rule your mongoDB clusters! A Sinatra based admin console for mongoDB
Mongo3 allows you to manage your mongoDB clusters using a web based admin console. The console provides for getting an overview of your mongo landscape and drilldown to see various information about your databases. You will be able to manage your clusters by performing common database admin tasks directly from the web console. The initial release of Mongo3 will be a read only shallow mode. Further development still needs to take place to build up the functionality from the existing code base.
Developer: Fernand Galiana
Easily administer your mongo cluster information
Get a real time snapshot of what your configuration looks like
Drill down on clusters, databases, collections and indexes
Manage all mongo artifacts from a single web interface
Provide support for db authentication [done]
Ability to drilldown in collections and query for content [done]
CRUD on dbs, collections, indexes [done]
Administer users [done]
Collection rename
Database creation
Manage logs
Support for shards and replication
Add support for drilling down array and embedded documents [done]
At this time mongo3 only is supported on ruby 1.8 and sinatra 0.9.4
mongo + mongo_ext
gem install mongo3
You will need to give mongo3 some information about your mongo configuration. In order to do so create a .mongo3 directory in your home directory and create a file landscape.yml. You will need to specify the envs, host and ports specific to your configuration, but here is a sample. landscape.yml development: host: localhost port: 27017 beta: host: beta_host_name port: 27017 user: bobo password: secret
Launch it. Fires up sinatra and opens up the console NOTE!!: The gem now leverages mongo_rack ( a mongoDB based session store ). By default, this assumes a mongoDB instance is running on localhost and on default port! > mongo3 Alternatively you can use a different mongo instance to store mongo3 session information or use memcache by specifying the --pool options as follows: To use the mongo session store on localhost at port 27030 with db name 'mongo3' and collection named 'sessions' > mongo3 --pool "mongo://localhost:27030/mongo3/sessions" To use memcache session store on localhost at port 11233 with namespace 'mongo3' > mongo3 --pool "memcache://localhost:11233/mongo3" The pool options assumes the following format: --pool {mongo|memcache}://{host}:{port}/{db_name|namespace}/{cltn_name}
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