crowdsource Public
Forked from schlafly/crowdsourceCrowded field photometry pipeline
Python UpdatedMay 2, 2021 -
Detectron.pytorch Public
Forked from roytseng-tw/Detectron.pytorchA pytorch implementation of Detectron. Both training from scratch and inferring directly from pretrained Detectron weights are available.
pytorch-mask-rcnn Public
Forked from multimodallearning/pytorch-mask-rcnnPython Other UpdatedApr 9, 2018 -
pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix Public
Forked from junyanz/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pixImage-to-image translation in PyTorch (e.g. horse2zebra, edges2cats, and more)
Python Other UpdatedFeb 19, 2018 -
pytorch-example Public
Forked from yala/pytorch-exampleExample of setup of a pytorch project
Python UpdatedSep 26, 2017 -
clevr-iep Public
Forked from facebookresearch/clevr-iepInferring and Executing Programs for Visual Reasoning