it shows an horizontal row of dates and days of an perticular month and it is clickable.
📅 CalendarView-Widget is an Android library that allows you to customize and display a calendar and an overview of its events
纵享丝滑滑动切换的周月日历,丰富自定义日历样式,仿小米日历,基于material-calendarview (Android官方的CalendarView)实现,简洁高效,ViewDragHelper实现
“CheckList 清单”是一款轻量级的待办清单(TodoList)工具类应用,它可以更好的帮您制定计划、安排日程规划、行前准备、甚至是购物清单,使您的生活有条不紊。
An android library to make swipe more easier and more powerful. Android各种侧滑,有这一个就够了