I am Keyur Paralkar, Typescript fanatic, Frontend Engineer, Team member at @jslovers_del meetup, Book enthusiast, and Swimmer from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
- Bulletproof your React Project with sensible configs and practices at ReactJS-Mumbai meetup - Slides
- Building forms with Dependency Injection Pattern in React at JSLovers meetup - Slides
- Render One Million Rows By Drawing at ReactJS-Pune meetup - Slides
- Enhancing video experience with video frame snapshot tooltips at JSLovers meetup - Slides
- Hey folks, I wrote about website localization and its importance. Do give it a read!
- What is Website Localization?
- How to Boost Web Performance with Prefetching – Improve User Experience by Reducing Load Time
- Master TypeScript: Let's Do Math In Type System
- How to Improve Your JavaScript Code with Powerful Build Tool Configs
- 🔭 I’m currently working on flow chart tool(coming soon) and improving my TypeScript Skills.
- 🖥 Ask me about Frontend
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter, LinkedIn
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I spend most of the time building cool stuffs and writing blogs on dev.to and freecodecamp.org