Simple extension of Tokio unbounded channels with:
- separate receive-ack semantic
- file-based persistence of messages (all unacked messages will be replayed after channel restart)
use pchannel::persist_channel::{Message, persistent_channel};
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
let mut runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
// for decreasing locks contention -
// storage is using separate files for storing message data and ack events
let (data_path, ack_path) = (PathBuf::from("/tmp/"), PathBuf::from("/tmp/"));
// third parameter "compaction_threshold" is using for cleaning the storage from redundant data and ack events.
// current compaction algorithm freeze channel operations - so, compaction threshold should't be so small.
// on the other hand - big compaction threshold will waste your disk space and increase the time of compaction process itself
let (tx, mut rx) =
persistent_channel(data_path, ack_path, 100)
.expect("Error while trying to replay unacked messages from storage");
let m = (1, 1);
.expect("Error while trying to persist and send message to channel");
let f = async move {
let m: Message<i32, i32> = rx.recv().await.unwrap();
// process your message here
println!("Message {:?} processed", m);
.expect("Error while trying to execute persistent ack for message");