- install poetry, pyenv
- create project directory
- src(with current project, subprojects)
- scripts
- data, experiments(tensorboard), configs(hydra), ...
pyenv install {preferred_version}
pyenv global {preferred_version}
poetry init
poetry env use python
# activate virtualenv using current python versionpoetry shell
# activate virtualenv using poetrypoetry install
# install dependencies + current project (as editable package, so that modules in src/ can be cross-imported or imported in scripts/)
- Basically, there are two ways to add submodules.
git submodule add {url} {external/submodule1}
and make symlink usingln -s {/path/to/external/submodule1} {/path/to/src/submodule1}
git submodule add {url} {src/submodule2}
if python files(and init.py) are exposed in the main directory
You can easily debug your code (using script or module directly) in vscode since we installed this package.
- create repo in github
- follow the instruction in README.md