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An environment in terms of programming is a location where we would deploy the code. There can be several different environments.

  • Development environment - developers machine
  • Testing environment – using a virtual machine
  • Production environment – using a virtual machine

What is AWS?

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing platform provides an array of cloud services. We can define AWS (Amazon Web Services) as a secured cloud services platform that offers:

  • Compute power
  • Database storage
  • Content delivery
  • various other functionalities.

Aws is the infrastructure as a service, One key thing it provides is a global infrastructure. Allows us to rent infrastructure per second.

  • IAM - Identity access management (where you can create or destroy users)
  • Ec2 – elastic computing 2
  • Security groups
  • VPCS
  • Deployment
  • Other services

Creating a E2 instance

Once on the AWS dashboard, click on services and then under computer select EC2


Now we can select the VM we want to create. In my case I choose the Ubuntu machine as it was the closest to my testing environment


Continue through the configuration of the E2 instance dependant on what is needed

Once the E2 Instance has been created we can see a variety of information. I am after the ipv4 address located in the red




  1. Direct inside the directory use the ls command to confirm your location
  2. use the cd environment command to enter the directory
  3. Create a file or enter your file using nano
sudo unlink /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo touch reverse-proxy.conf
sudo chmod 666 reverse-proxy.conf
echo "server{
  listen 80;
  location / {
}" >> reverse-proxy.conf
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/reverse-proxy.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/reverse-proxy.conf
sudo service nginx restart

#### installing git
sudo apt-get install git -y

#### installing nodejs
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y

#### installing pm2
sudo npm install pm2 -g

#### App set up
export DB_HOST="mongodb://"
cd /home/ubuntu/app
sudo su
npm install

Provisions allow for the automation of the following:

  • Installing packages
  • Configuring files
  • Syncing files
  • Provisioning folders
  • Provisioning a machine
  • Environment variables

This provisions file automates th installation, configuration and upgrading of Nginx, npm, git, pm2 and nodejs

Commands for Syncing the OS and VM and entering the vm

I will be using the scp command. but what is scp?

Secure copy protocol (SCP) is a means of securely transferring computer files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts. It is based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.

The below commands are typed into the OS

To sync directorys from your OS to your VM you mut know the VMs IP adress and the directory name of which you want to sync. use the following command:

scp -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem -r app/ [email protected]:~/app/

Now we sync the environments directory as our file is inside:

scp -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem -r environment/ [email protected]:~/env/

If an error occurs when trying to sinc use the following command:

scp -o "IdentitiesOnly yes" -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem -r app/ [email protected]:~/app/

Onced the correct directorys have been synced use the following command to enter the vm:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem [email protected]

Once the provision and app directorys have been moved into the VM. inside the VM we can run node app.js

If successfull the server listening on port 3000 Once the connection has been succesful you should be able to access the webpage through your ipv4 address created using a E2 instance on AWS.


The webpage is available through the e2 instances IP adress using the port 3000


The second webpage is also available

Adding security groups

Security group is a firewall. It contains a list of IPs that are allowed to access the webpage. The app will only be working on the IP adress of the VM. To Allow access to other users we add security groups. Go into your instance and click actions > Networking > change security groups


Then select the security group you would like to add for access.


Stopping the Instance

Actions > Instance status > Stop



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  • JavaScript 29.1%
  • HTML 26.7%
  • Shell 25.1%
  • Ruby 19.1%