- Using
{ 'khatibomar/leaf.nvim' },
- Using
use 'khatibomar/leaf.nvim'
To configure the plugin, you can call require('leaf').setup({}), passing the table with the values in it. The following are the defaults:
-- (note: if your configuration sets vim.o.background the following option will do nothing!)
theme = 'dark', -- String: 'dark' or 'light', determines the colorscheme used
transparent = false, -- Boolean: Sets the background to transparent
italics = {
comments = true, -- Boolean: Italicizes comments
keywords = true, -- Boolean: Italicizes keywords
functions = true, -- Boolean: Italicizes functions
strings = true, -- Boolean: Italicizes strings
variables = true, -- Boolean: Italicizes variables
overrides = {}, -- A dictionary of group names, can be a function returning a dictionary or a table.
- The
This function can be used to set the colorscheme in your editor, however, if it doesn't work for you, you can always use vim.cmd.colorscheme('leaf')
To use the theme with bufferline.nvim, you can use the following configuration:
highlights = require('leaf').bufferline.highlights,
Contributions are welcome, please open an issue if you encounter any bug or if you find any improvements are needed for the code, also feel free to open a PR.
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