GitLab API for Java (gitlab4j-api) provides a full featured and easy to consume Java API for working with GitLab repositories via the GitLab REST API. Additionally, full support for working with GitLab WebHooks is also provided.
To utilize the GitLab API for Java in your project, simply add the following dependency to your project's build file:
Gradle: build.gradle
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.gitlab4j', name: 'gitlab4j-api', version: '4.1.5'
Maven: pom.xml
If you are not using Gradle or Maven you can download the latest gitlab4j-api JAR file here: gitlab4j-api-4.1.5.jar
Javadocs are available here: Javadocs
GitLab4J-API is quite simple to use, all you need is the URL to your GitLab server and the Private Token from your GitLab Account Settings page. Once you have that info it is as simple as:
// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("", "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN");
// Get the list of projects your account has access to
List<Project> projects = gitLabApi.getProjectApi().getProjects();
As of GitLab4J-API 4.2.0 support has been added for GitLab API V4. If your application requires GitLab API V3 you can still use GitLab4J-API by creating your GitLabApi instance as follows:
// Create a GitLabApi instance to communicate with your GitLab server using GitLab API V3
GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi(ApiVersion.V3, "", "YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN");
The API has been broken up into sub APIs classes to make it easier to learn and to separate concerns. Following is a list of the sub APIs along with a sample use of each API. See the Javadocs for a complete list of available methods for each sub API.
// Get a list of commits associated with the specified branch
List<Commit> commits = gitLabApi.getCommitsApi().getCommits(1234, "new-feature");
// Get a list of groups that you have access to
List<Group> groups = gitLabApi.getGroupApi().getGroups();
// Get a list of the merge requests for the specified project
List<MergeRequest> mergeRequests = gitLabApi.getMergeRequestApi().getMergeRequests(1234);
// Get all namespaces that match "foobar" in their name or path
List<Namespace> namespaces = gitLabApi.getNamespaceApi().findNamespaces("foobar");
// Get a list of accessible projects
public List<Project> projects = gitLabApi.getProjectApi().getProjects();
// Create a new project
Project projectSpec = new Project()
.withDescription("My project for demonstration.")
Project newProject = gitLabApi.getProjectApi().createProject(projectSpec);
// Get a list of repository branches from a project, sorted by name alphabetically
List<Branch> branches = gitLabApi.getRepositoryApi().getBranches();
// Get info (name, size, ...) and the content from a file in repository
RepositoryFile file = gitLabApi.getRepositoryFileApi().getFile("file-path", 1234, "ref");
// Activates the gitlab-ci service.
getLabApi.getServicesApi().setGitLabCI("project-name", "auth-token", "project-ci-url");
// Log in to the GitLab server and get the session info
getLabApi.getSessionApi().login("your-username", "your-email", "your-password");
// Get the User info for user_id 1
User user = gitLabApi.getUserApi().getUser(1);