.NET cli multi threaded host discovery tool (and port scanner ... at some point ..eventually).
scans a subnet range for a specific port and report hosts having that port open
simple exemple commands:
net-scan.exe hosts -r -p 445
net-scan.exe ports -h -p 5000
net-scan.exe ports -h -p 5000 -th 300 -t 1
=> scans ports on
first 5000 ports
with 300 threads
1s timeout
exemple :
net-scan.exe hosts -r 192.168.1-2.1-254 -p 445 -th 100 -t 5
=> scans from to
with 100 threads
from to 168.235.254
port 445
5 seconds timeout
less threads , more timeout = more accurate results
drop the net-scan.exe on a machine you have a shell on and use the args above to start the scan.
i highly recommand compiling your own executables from code in VS :
compile with NET 3.5 for windows 7 and NET 4.5 for windows 10
BUT .. as some are lazy enough to not do that and willing to run a random .exe from the internet there's the release folder.
- clean the ugliness (made in few minutes in a hurry so sorry xD)
- scan from CIDR