Throw the hole project you will be able to check and run the different endpoints requested in the challenge. The spring security use sendgrid platform to authenticate the user, while a JWT token is used and set as a variable over postman to check every endpoint.
You will also find a postman collection with notation regarding the different tests executed to check the functionality.
- Setup: Intellij IDE / Postman / DBeaver or Workbench / Maven
- Clone this project into your computer
- Create a database called 'disney' with DBeaver, Workbench or one of your choose.
- Once you have cloned this project, open it with your favorite IDE, run it and check that all the entities have been aadded to the database.
- If succeeded, you need to go to Postman and register an user.
- When you register your user, you should receive an email giving you the welcome.
- At this stage, everything is running on rails!
- Start exploring, you will be able to test the functionality of the code, check the differents endpoints and create new ones if needed.