Python based Adobe DNG RAW Converter. Tuned for use with the Raspberry Pi Camera.
Requires: Python2.7 and Numpy
Convert raw bayer data from raw containing .jpgs from the Raspberry Pi Camera V2 ( SonyIMX219 )
Calibration and Bayer Matrix corrections are included in the dark/shade/pxl folders.
dark - Contains 16-bit bayer dark images in numpy format.
shade - Contains 16-bit bayer lens shading profiles in numpy format.
pxl - Contains a .txt with list of pixel locations with hot/dead pixels. ( first 2 values. x,y locations. ignore 3rd. )
Note: You can use the provided references, but users should generate calibration from their own unqiue sensors as variations likely exist for best results. - Main python file used for generating the DNG. Pass input file string into function, change appropraite tags if desired ( model, make, organization ) Note: DNG files will be outputed in 16-bit with this file. - Identical to Use for generating 10-bit DNG.
Usage Exmaple: pydng10.createDNG('color.jpg')
Raspberry Pi Camera V1 ( OV5647 ) is untested.
-Copy EXIF Data from .jpg to .dng
-Fix magenta tinted highligths
-Improve 10bit/8bit encoding in
-Apply calibrated color matrix values
-Automated calibration script to let users generate dark/shade/pxl from input images