AGE animation official website URL release page(AGE动漫官网网址发布页)
A fast and modern WebUI for a BorgBackup's central repository server.
🚀 一个基于 Spring Boot,快速构建 RESTful API 工程的脚手架,支持多数据源配置、分布式事务
ShardingSphere spi-impl example
A distributed transaction framework, supports workflow, saga, tcc, xa, 2-phase message, outbox patterns, supports many languages.
A Gradle plugin that publishes your Android and Kotlin libraries, including sources and javadoc, to Maven Central or any other Nexus instance.
Helper to upload Gradle Android Artifacts to Maven repositories
quantitative trading with Javascript, Python, C++, PineScript, Blockly, MyLanguage(麦语言)
Gradle plugin for publishing to Nexus repositories
Java library to create bots using Telegram Bots API
Automation&Workflow JavaScript IDE on Android(安卓平台上的JavaScript编程IDE)
redisson的spring-boot-starter.redisson是redis redlock分布式锁java的唯一实现.目前大多数项目采用的jedis的分布式锁是有问题的,redisson支持集群模式,云托管模式,单Redis节点模式,哨兵模式,主从模式. 只需一个@Lock注解.快速实现可重入锁,公平锁,联锁,红锁,读写锁分布式锁
CloudMoe Windows 10/11 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10/11 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10/Win11 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!
Example of using cron to execute php code inside docker
Create and renew website certificates using the Letsencrypt free certificate authority.
Open-source, non-custodial, privacy preserving Bitcoin wallet for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
It a tiny tool to lock your folder without compression.