Generate webmanifest, favicon and device-specific icons for your PWA using
yarn add gatsby-plugin-realfavicongenerator
# or
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-realfavicongenerator
then, add it to the plugins
section in you gastby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-realfavicongenerator`,
options: {
// see below
key | required | default value | description |
apiKey | ✔️ | - | API-Key for the API. |
masterPicture | ✔️ | - | path to your master picture from which the icons should be generated. Should be at least 250x250. |
appName | ✔️ | - | Name of you PWA/Website |
startUrl | ❌ | / |
Starturl of your PWA |
themeColor | ✔️ | - | The theme color of your PWA |
display | ❌ | standalone |
Either standalone or browser . Controlls how your PWA behaves when added to the home screen |
forceOrientation | ❌ | - | Can be portrait or landscape . If set, forces the orientation of your PWA |
defaultBackgroundColor | ❌ | - | Default background color for the generated icons |
defaultMargin | ❌ | - | Default margin to add around the masterPicture when generating the icons |
compression | ❌ | 3 | Compression factor for the generated icons. Can be a number from 1 to 5 |
scalingAlgorithm | ❌ | Lanczos |
The scaling algorithm used to scale the master pciture. Possible options: `'Mitchell' |
ios | ❌ | {enabled: true, onlyDefaultIcons: true, legacyIcons: false, precomposedIcons: true} |
Options for the iOS icons. See below |
windows | ❌ | {enabled: true} |
Options for the Windows icons. See below |
android | ❌ | {enabled: true, legacyIcons: false, lowResIcons: false} |
Options for the Android/Chrome icons. See below |
safariPinnedTab | ❌ | {enabled: true, silhouette: true, threshold: 60} |
Options for the Safari pinned tab icon. See below |
openGraph | ❌ | {enabled: false} |
Options for the open graph images. See below |
faviconRequestOverride | ❌ | - | Option to override specific options from the favicon_generation sent to the API . Use with caution |
transformGeneratedManifest | ❌ | - | callback fucntion to transform/customize the content of the generated .webmanifest file. Signature: (manifest: {[key: string]: any}) => {[key: string]: any} . The returned object from this function is then converted back to JSON and replaces the content of the generated .webmanifest file |
key | required | default value | description |
enabled | ✔️ | true |
Enable/Disable generation of iOS specific icons |
masterPicture | ❌ | - | Provide a specific image for the iOS icons. If not provided, master masterPicture from global options will be used |
margin | ❌ | - | Add margin around your masterPicture . Can be a number (pixels) or string (percentage, e.g. '5%') |
backgroundColor | ❌ | - | Background color for the icons |
onlyDefaultIcons | ❌ | true |
Generate only default icons |
legacyIcons | ❌ | false |
Generate also legacy icons |
precomposedIcons | ❌ | true |
Generate precomposed icons |
startupImage | ❌ | - | Options for the image used as startup image/splash screen |
startupImage.masterPicture | ✔️ | - | Picture to use as startup image/splash screen |
margin | ❌ | - | Margin added around the startup image/splash screen |
backgroundColor | ❌ | - | Background color for the startup image/splash screen |
key | required | default value | description |
enabled | ✔️ | true |
Enable/Disable generation of the windows icons |
masterPicture | ❌ | - | Provide a specific image for the windows icons. If not provided, master masterPicture from global options will be used |
backgroundColor | ❌ | - | Background color for the images |
silhouette | ❌ | - | Convert icons to silhouette |
key | required | default value | description |
enabled | ✔️ | true |
Enable/Disable generation of Android specific icons |
masterPicture | ❌ | - | Provide a specific image for the Android icons. If not provided, master masterPicture from global options will be used |
margin | ❌ | - | Add margin around your masterPicture . Can be a number (pixels) or string (percentage, e.g. '5%') |
backgroundColor | ❌ | - | Background color for the icons |
legacyIcons | ❌ | false |
Generate also legacy icons |
lowResIcons | ❌ | false |
Generate low resolution icons |
existingManifest | ❌ | - | Path to a template .webmanifest file, wich can be used to define additional properties |
key | required | default value | description |
enabled | ✔️ | true |
Enable/Disable generation of Safari pinned tab icon |
masterPicture | ❌ | - | Provide a specific image for the Safari pinned tab icon. If not provided, master masterPicture from global options will be used |
margin | ❌ | - | Add margin around your masterPicture . Can be a number (pixels) or string (percentage, e.g. '5%') |
backgroundColor | ❌ | - | Background color for the icons |
threshold | ❌ | 60 |
Threshold for converting to silhouette. A number between 0 and 100 |
silhouette | ❌ | true |
Convert icon to silhouette |
key | required | default value | description |
enabled | ✔️ | false |
Enable/Disable generation of OpenGraph images |
masterPicture | ❌ | - | Provide a specific image for the OpenGraph images. If not provided, master masterPicture from global options will be used |
margin | ❌ | - | Add margin around your masterPicture . Can be a number (pixels) or string (percentage, e.g. '5%') |
backgroundColor | ❌ | - | Background color for the images |
ratio | ❌ | - | Aspect ration of the generated images |
// gastby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-realfavicongenerator`,
options: {
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
masterPicture: 'src/assets/favicon.png',
appName: 'My Awesome App',
startUrl: '/',
themeColor: '#000',
display: 'standalone',
defaultBackgroundColor: '#000',
defaultMargin: '10%',
compression: 3,
scalingAlgorithm: 'Lanczos',
ios: {
enabled: true,
onlyDefaultIcons: false,
legacyIcons: true,
precomposedIcons: true,
windows: {
enabled: true,
silhouette: true,
android: {
enabled: true,
legacyIcons: true,
lowResIcons: true,
safariPinnedTab: {
enabled: true,
threshold: 60,
silhouette: true,
openGraph: {
enabled: true,
ratio: 'square',
transformGeneratedManifest: (manifest) => {
manifest.scope = '/';
if (manifest.icons) {
manifest.icons = => {
return {
purpose: 'maskable',
return manifest;
Since the generation of the icons via can take a long time, icons are only generated on the first run, and the only updated if:
- The plugin options change
- The gatsby cache is cleared (e.g. via
gastby clean