Extract .ib and .vb format 3D model from 3Dmigoto buffer files.
A gift for all 3Dmigoto mod author, happy new year 2024!
- Support every d3d11 mod type of GI,HI3,HSR,ZZZ,NBP
- Designed with a GUI and reverse CLI program writen in C++ ,very simple to use,and extremely fast to reverse.
- Log supported.
tutorial for how to use see https://youtu.be/F2EQLG6Xw_A
Some preconfig you will need to have:
- VisualStudio 2022 VS143toolset.
- Install Boost 1.84.0
initialize boost config:
build boost:
.\b2.exe variant=release link=static runtime-link=static threading=multi runtime-debugging=off
- GUI use WinForm and .Net v4.7.2 ,see: https://github.com/StarBobis/3Dmigoto-Sword-GUI
- Json for morden C++ https://github.com/nlohmann/json/
- easylogpp https://github.com/amrayn/easyloggingpp/
- Great thanks for SilentNightSound for GIMI project and his original reverse scripts.
- Great thanks to 자연풍경 for reverse POC and his C# single mod ini parse code.
- Great thanks to a unknown ProModder in AGMG for test and merged.ini parse py scripts.
- Great thanks to Звездный Мираж and Песчаный for offer the original C++ reverse code design.
This program is deprecated due to custom 3dmigoto mod format encrypt, only work for old open source format mod and good for learn the basics of reverse 3dmigoto mod format.