Remix v1.17.0 has introduced the new
export from entry.server.tsx. You no longer need this patch.
This example adds a patch to enable server side logging to your favorite logging service. This one uses Bugsnag, but any of them should work.
The patch adds a handleError
export in entry.server. This function
will be called with the current request and error object.
// entry.server.tsx
// initialize Bugsnag with your API key
apiKey: process.env.BUGSNAG_API_KEY!,
// add handleError export to notify Bugsnag
// args includes the same object as loader and actions
// { request, params, context }
export function handleError(error: unknown, { request, context }: DataFunctionArgs) {
console.log('notify bugsnag')
Bugsnag.notify(error, event => {
event.addMetadata('request', {
url: request.url,
method: request.method,
headers: Object.fromEntries(request.headers.entries()),
// routes/bug.tsx
export async function loader async ({ request, context }: LoaderArgs) => {
const user = await getUser(request)
// set the context used by bugsnag for this request
context.setRequestContext({ user })
throw new Error('Oops')
// server.js
const getLoadContext = () => ({
_requestContext: {},
getRequestContext: () => this._requestContext,
setRequestContext: ({ user, context, metaData }) => {
this._requestContext = { user, context, metaData }
npm install -D patch-package
Copy the patch file from the patches
folder to your project patches
Apply the patch
npx patch-package
Update your package.json file to include the following postinstall script. This will ensure your patch is automatically applied when you checkout you project.
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "patch-package"