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The upgrade scripts and manifests that execute SuiteCRM upgrades
SuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world
kimballjohnson / SuiteCRM
Forked from salesagility/SuiteCRMSuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world
Homepage for dortania - Work in progress
kimballjohnson / Preparing-for-the-Certified-OpenStack-Administrator-Exam
Forked from PacktPublishing/Preparing-for-the-Certified-OpenStack-Administrator-ExamPreparing for the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam, published by Packt
The upgrade scripts and manifests that execute SuiteCRM upgrades
SuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world
SuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world
kimballjohnson / SuiteDocs
Forked from salesagility/SuiteDocsSuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world
Configures Proxmox VE 4.x/5.x clusters.
Ansible role to setup systemd configs, networkd, timers and more
kimballjohnson / gitbook
Forked from cjsteel/gitbook📝 Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown
kimballjohnson / workshop-automated-provider-agnostic-virtualization
Forked from cjsteel/workshop-automated-provider-agnostic-virtualizationWorkshop on **automated provider agnostic virtualzation** via Molecule and Ansible and various providers (Docker, LXC.LXD, Vagrant, VirtualBox...)
kimballjohnson / ansible-MISP
Forked from cjsteel/ansible-MISPansible role to setup MISP, Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing
cjsteel / ansible-mhn
Forked from juju4/ansible-mhnModern Honey Network deployment with ansible
harden system (linux, unix...)
ansible-role-resources is an Ansible role that is used as a dependency. The role ensures for resources such as directories, clones, files, links and url downloads on the local (controller) system a…
Ansible Role - Git
Ansible role to set or update the hostname in Debian-like systems
Manage firewall ports on all (known) Linux operating systems.
Ansible role to setup a Ubuntu pxe server
DRAFT - ansible-project-workstation is for configuring personal workstations and notebooks