KALMUS Color Toolkit for color analysis and visualization in film studies.
Classification Models [ Pytorch implementation from stratch]
Are we alone in the universe? - Data Analysis and Data Visualization of UFO sightings with R. How to analyze and visualize data of UFO sightings of the last century in the USA and the rest of the w…
ALEINS-R-REAL. Using javascript, a table to search through alien sightings was made. The table allows the user to filter table data for specific values. This project utilized JavaScript, HTML, CSS,…
Web App to visualize reported UFO Sightings using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and D3.js
TextGAN is a PyTorch framework for Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) based text generation models.
LSTM trained on the first five ASOIAF/GOT books
Efficient, reusable RNNs and LSTMs for torch