- hangzhou, zhejiang, china
- http://www.kiminotes.net
The Art of Problem-Solving in Software Engineering: How to Make MySQL Better
Learn Go with test-driven development
System design interview for IT companies
Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
The Simple Config Template Of Rime By Mintimate. QQ Chat-Group: 703260572
Class materials for a distributed systems lecture series
Sources for my PhD dissertation on the Raft consensus algorithm
Dr. TLA+ series - learn an algorithm and protocol, study a specification
阿里云数据库内核月报分类整理(定时更新) http://mysql.taobao.org/monthly/
MySQL学习《MySQL 是怎样运行的:从根儿上理解 MySQL》,在线阅读:https://relph1119.github.io/mysql-learning-notes/
Juho Hirvonen and Jukka Suomela: Distributed Algorithms 2020
A parsing/linking engine for protobuf; the guts for a pure Go replacement of protoc.
This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust.
C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics and parallelized, optimized mathematical functions (SSE, AVX, AVX512, NEON, SVE))
The leading data integration platform for ETL / ELT data pipelines from APIs, databases & files to data warehouses, data lakes & data lakehouses. Both self-hosted and Cloud-hosted.
LibSQL with extended capabilities like HTTP protocol, replication, and more.
high-performance graph database for real-time use cases
Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
A disk based KV store (based on Bitcask implementation)
An educational OLAP database system.
The lightweight, user-friendly, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
The LevelDB key-value database in the Go programming language.