Note on various unity specific paths and file handling related issues.(Note: written based on Unity 5.x, can be different on the previous version)
The followings show brief summary for the various 'Application.XXX' paths of Unity engine provides which are depend on platform. See the code of PathUtil.cs file which can be found under 'Assets/Scripts' folder.
- Application.persistentDataPath: /var/mobile/Applications/[program_ID]/Documents (read/write)
- Application.dataPath: /var/mobile/Applications/[program_ID]/[appname].app/Data (read only)
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: /var/mobile/Applications/[program_ID]/[appname].app/Data/Raw (read only)
- Application.temporaryCachePath: /var/mobile/Applications/[program_ID]/Library/Caches (read/write)
- Application.persistentDataPath: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/[bundle id]/files (read/write)
- Application.dataPath: /data/app/[bundle id-number].apk
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: jar:file:///data/app/[bundle id].apk!/assets (read only, should access via WWW)
- Application.temporaryCachePath: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/[bundle id]/cache
- Application.persistentDataPath: /data/data/[bundle id]/files/ (read/write)
- Application.dataPath: /data/app/[bundle id-number].apk
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: jar:file:///data/app/[bundle id].apk!/assets (read only, should access via WWW)
- Application.temporaryCachePath: /data/data/
Get accessing a file in the streamingAssetsPath on Android is a bit different with other platforms.
On Android the files are contained within a compressed .jar file (which is essentially the same format as standard zip-compressed files). This means that if you should use Unity’s WWW class to retrieve the file or you may need to use additional software to see inside the .jar archive and obtain the file.
See the code snip for that case. Frist, it copies a file from streamingAssetsPath then write onto persistenceDataPath and return its path. So the file can be safely read even any changes can be written.
###WEB read only
- Application.persistentDataPath: /
- Application.dataPath: folder in unity3d file
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: empty
- Log: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\UnityWebPlayer\log\log_UNIQUEID.txt
###Window Player
- Application.persistentDataPath: [UserDirectory]/AppData/LocalLow/[Company]/[Product Name] (read/write)
- Application.dataPath: [Exe file]/[Exe file]_Data : read/write
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: [Exe file]/[Exe file]_Data/StreamingAssets (read/write)
- Application.temporaryCachePath: %LocalAppData%/Local/Temp/Temp/%Company%/%Product%
- Log: EXECNAME_Data\output_log.txt
###MAC Player
- Application.persistentDataPath: [UserDirectory]/Library/Caches/unity.[Company].[Product] (read/write)
- Application.dataPath: [Exe file].app/Contents
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: [Exe file].app/Contents/Data/StreamingAssets (read/write)
- Log: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
###Window Editor
- Application.persistentDataPath: [UserDirectory]/AppData/LocalLow/[Company]/[Product] (read/write)
- Application.dataPath: [ProjectDirectory]/Assets
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: [ProjectDirectory]/Assets/StreamingAssets (read/write)
- Log: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
###MAC Editor
- Application.persistentDataPath: [UserDirectory]/Library/Caches/unity.[Company].[Product] (read/write)
- Application.dataPath: [ProjectDirectory]/Assets
- Application.streamingAssetsPath: [ProjectDirectory]/Assets/StreamingAssets (read/write)
- Log: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
##Other Editor paths (less knonwn)
It also provides less known various editor paths as the followings:
- Unity preferences folder
- Editor assembly path
- Engine assembly path
- External script editor path
- layout folder path
- Assetstore download folder path
- Editor log path
- Unity's Paths
- StandardPaths on UnityToolbag github repository
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.
Except UnityDiskSpacePlugin, the license of the that follow theirs.
Copyright (c)2016 Kim, Hyoun Woo