Implementation of the Abelian sandpile model. The program calculates model's states and saves them as BMP images at a specified frequency.
The initial state is defined by a TSV file that specifies the number of sand grains in each cell, excluding empty cells. Based on this data, the grid size is calculated - the minimal rectangle that encloses all the cells.
Each line in the TSV file contains information about one cell, with the format
x, y, number of grains in (x, y)
, separated
by tabs.
The number of grains in one cell should fit uint64_t
range and
the coordinates should fit int16_t
- New sand grains are only added during initialization.
- The next generation of cells' state only depends on the previous grid state.
- If a sand grain attempts to topple outside the grid's boundaries, the grid's size will increase by 1 in that direction.
- The image of the current state is generated according to the rules:
- The image size equals the size of the grid.
- Each pixel corresponds to a grid cell.
- Pixel color depends on the number of sand grains in the cell:
- 0 - white
- 1 - green
- 2 - yellow
- 3 - pink
- > 3 - black
- Encoding of 1 pixel takes no more than 4 bits.
The program is a console application supporting the following command-line arguments:
- -i, --input: A TSV file containing initial data.
- -o, --output: Path to the directory to save images to.
- -m, --max-iter: Maximum number of toppling iterations.
- -f, --freq: The frequency at which images should be saved (if 0, only the final state is saved).
--input=/Users/SupercoolMe/Desktop/params.tsv --max-iter=92233720368547 -f 1000000000 -o /Users/SupercoolMe/Desktop/gallery/