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-- INTRO --

-- This is how I use Tidal to perform with MIDI-based devices.
-- You can use this stuff for both hardware and software MIDI.


-- The reason I like to use this type of setup with Tidal is
-- because it allows me to perform with a MIDI controller 
-- instead of typing on a keyboard. Is that bad?


-- this content is available at:


-- vanilla note output. my drum synth's default note is C3:

d1 $ struct "t(3,8)" $ midichan 0 # note "c3" # s "rytm" # cps 0.7 # amp 0.9

-- each pad is on its own channel:

d1 $ struct "t(3,8,<0 1 10>)" $ fast 6 $ midichan "0 1 2 3" 
    # note "c3" # s "rytm" # cps 0.7 # amp 0.9

-- can also play melodically:

d1 $ scale "ritusen" ("0 1 -1 -2 3 4" + "<-12>") # midichan 0 # s "rytm" # cps 0.7 # amp 0.9

-- and of course layer everything together in a stack:

  $ stack [
    -- kick
    struct "t(<3 5 2>,8,1)" $ midichan 0
    -- snare
    , midichan 1
    -- clap
    , (0.25 ~>) $ fast 2 $ midichan 3
    -- rimshot
    , struct "t(7,16,<0 5 15>)" $ midichan 2
    -- hihat
    , struct "t(13,16,<1 2>)" $ midichan 8
  ] # cps 0.7 # s "rytm" # note "c3" # amp 0.9


-- sometimes it is hard to remember the midichan values
-- for each pad, so I make shortcuts:

let bd = midichan 0
    sd = midichan 1
    ch = midichan 8
    rytm = s "rytm" # note "c3"

  $ stack [ 
    struct "t(3,8)" $ bd, 
    (0.5 ~>) $ sd, 
    fast 16 $ ch 
  ] # rytm # amp 0.9


-- yaxu has also shared this fancy drum pad mapping code on

  rytms = s "rytm"
  drum :: Pattern String -> ControlPattern
  drum = midichan . (drumN <$>)
  drumN :: Num a => String -> a
  drumN "bd" = 0
  drumN "sd" = 1
  drumN "ch" = 8
  drumN "oh" = 9
  drumN "cp" = 3
  drumN "lt" = 5
  drumN "mt" = 6
  drumN "ht" = 7
  drumN "pad" = 4
  drumN _ = 12
  rytm x = drum x # rytms # note "c3"

d1 $ rytm "[bd lt*2] [cp, ~ mt] [oh ch]*2 [sd ht?]" # amp 0.9



-- documentation:

-- use a knob to set a Tidal param:
d1 $ s "rytm*16" # note "c3" # midichan 0 # cps 0.7 # amp (cF 0 "88")

-- use a knob to set function argument values:
d1 $ degradeBy (cF 0 "88") $ s "rytm*16" # note "c3" # midichan 0 # cps 0.7 # amp 0.9


-- MIDI controller input as composition...

-- here I am using a MIDI controller knob input to
-- set how likely an "off" function is called:

d1  $ sometimesBy (cF 0 "96") (off "1s" id) 
    $ s "rytm(<5 3>,8,<0 2 3>)" 
    # note "c3" # midichan 0 # cps 0.5 # amp 0.9

-- adding a 2nd knob that sets how likely
-- a delayed clap is added:

d1  $ sometimesBy (cF 0 "88") (off "1s" id) 
    $ (1 ~>)
    $ sometimesBy (cF 0 "96") (off "3s" (# midichan 3)) 
    $ s "rytm(<5 3>,8,<0 2 3>)" 
    # note "c3" # midichan 0 # cps 0.5 # amp 0.9


-- all of my controller knobs input a value that
-- ranges from 0 to 1.


-- I like to compose big stacks of patterns
-- in my spare time. It's what I do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-- set up various interesting functions
-- synth setup
let bd = midichan 2 # note "c3"
    cp = midichan 3 # note "c3"
    perc1 = midichan 6 # note "c3"
    perc2 = midichan 7 # note "c3"
    ch = midichan 10 # note "c3"
    pad = midichan 0
    rytm = s "rytm"

-- helper funcs
let shift p = (1 ~>) $ p
    shiftBy x p = (x ~>) $ p
    shrand x = shiftBy x $ rand

-- set up rhythmic pattern variables
let main = (someCyclesBy 0.2 (within (0,0.5) (const $ "~")) 
            $ "{1@7 1@11 1@13 1@8 1@3}%16" :: Pattern Bool)
    cpp = "{1@23 1@17}%16"
    chp = "1(<13 14 11 15>,16,<0 44 38 7 13 4>)"  

-- the stack...
  $ (|* gain 1.2)
  $ stack [
    -- pad
    slow 4 $ (|+ note (shiftBy 1100 $ choose [-36,-24,-12])) 
      $ note (scale "ritusen" "{0 -1 1 -2 2}%1") # pad 
    -- kick
    , struct main $ bd # gain 0.8
    -- perc1
    , someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.0625 ~>) 
      $ struct main $ perc1
    -- perc2
    , someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.125 ~>) 
      $ struct main $ perc2
    -- cp
    , struct cpp $ cp
    -- ch
    , sometimesBy 0.08 (|+ midichan 1) 
      $ struct chp $ ch
  ] # rytm # cps (170/240)



-- I use my MIDI controller's encoder switches 
-- (e.g. push down on knob) to turn parts of the
-- stack on and off.

-- I made some functions to help me with that:
let mute p = (const $ s "~") $ p
    partOn inputCC = every ( range 1 0 $  (cI 0 inputCC) ) mute
    bdOn p = partOn "71" $ p
    bgOn p = partOn "77" $ p 
    clapOn p = partOn "95" $ p 
    perc1On p = partOn "79" $ p 
    perc2On p = partOn "87" $ p 
    hatOn p = partOn "93" $ p 

  $ (|* gain 1.2)
  $ stack [
    -- pad
    bgOn $ slow 4 $ (|+ note (shiftBy 1100 $ choose [-36,-24,-12])) 
      $ note (scale "ritusen" "{0 -1 1 -2 2}%1") # pad 
    -- kick
    , bdOn $ struct main $ bd # gain 0.8
    -- perc1
    , perc1On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.0625 ~>) 
      $ struct main $ perc1
    -- perc2
    , perc2On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.125 ~>) 
      $ struct main $ perc2
    -- cp
    , clapOn $ struct cpp $ cp
    -- ch
    , hatOn $ sometimesBy 0.08 (|+ midichan 1) 
      $ struct chp $ ch
  ] # rytm # cps (170/240)


-- degradeBy is maybe the laziest feature in Tidal,
-- but it does so much work in helping to tame
-- a complex sequence.

-- In fact it's so helpful that I dedicate a knob to it:
let reduce = degradeBy (cF 0 "96")

-- and I apply that knob to a sub-stack of all the drum sounds:
  $ (|* gain 1.2)
  $ stack [
    -- pad
    bgOn $ slow 4 $ (|+ note (shiftBy 1100 $ choose [-36,-24,-12])) 
      $ note (scale "ritusen" "{0 -1 1 -2 2}%1") # pad 
    , reduce $ stack [ -- notice the addition of "reduce" here
        -- kick
        bdOn $ struct main $ bd # gain 0.8
        -- perc1
        , perc1On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.0625 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc1
        -- perc2
        , perc2On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.125 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc2
        -- cp
        , clapOn $ struct cpp $ cp
        -- ch
        , hatOn $ sometimesBy 0.08 (|+ midichan 1) 
          $ struct chp $ ch
  ] # rytm # cps (170/240)



-- My patterns tend to lack repetition, because
-- that's just how I like to do things.

-- But sometimes I like to introduce repetition
-- for a few moments. The "iter" function is kind
-- of a quick way to do it, so I dedicated a
-- switch on my controller to enable it for me:
let useIter p = every (  cI 0 "89" ) (iter 8) $ p

  $ (|* gain 1.2)
  $ stack [
    -- pad
    bgOn $ slow 4 $ (|+ note (shiftBy 1100 $ choose [-36,-24,-12])) 
      $ note (scale "ritusen" "{0 -1 1 -2 2}%1") # pad 
    , useIter $ reduce -- added useIter here only on the drum substack
      $ stack [
        -- kick
        bdOn $ struct main $ bd # gain 0.8
        -- perc1
        , perc1On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.0625 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc1
        -- perc2
        , perc2On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.125 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc2
        -- cp
        , clapOn $ struct cpp $ cp
        -- ch
        , hatOn $ sometimesBy 0.08 (|+ midichan 1) 
          $ struct chp $ ch
  ] # rytm # cps (170/240)


-- I also like to vary tempo randomly every cycle. It can 
-- be kind of a jarring effect, but sometimes I
-- craft patterns around this idea.

-- The functions below allow me to use a knob to control
-- the scale of tempo variation per cycle:

let minTempo = (range 1 0.333 $ (cF 0 "88"))
    maxTempo = (range 1 1.25 $ (cF 0 "88"))
    discRange a b = (segment 1 $ range a b $ shrand 70000)
    cpsDisc min max = (|* cps (discRange min max))

-- then I add the "cpsDisc" function at the top:
  $ cpsDisc minTempo maxTempo
  $ (|* gain 1.2)
  $ stack [
    -- pad
    bgOn $ slow 4 $ (|+ note (shiftBy 1100 $ choose [-36,-24,-12])) 
      $ note (scale "ritusen" "{0 -1 1 -2 2}%1") # pad 
    , useIter $ reduce
      $ stack [
        -- kick
        bdOn $ struct main $ bd # gain 0.8
        -- perc1
        , perc1On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.0625 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc1
        -- perc2
        , perc2On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.125 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc2
        -- cp
        , clapOn $ struct cpp $ cp
        -- ch
        , hatOn $ sometimesBy 0.08 (|+ midichan 1) 
          $ struct chp $ ch
  ] # rytm # cps (170/240)



-- This feature is specific to my synth, but I bet
-- the principle might apply to other synths and setups.

-- I can change the patch on my drum synth by setting it's scene.
-- This is done with a simple MIDI CC input.

-- I like to change the scene randomly. I use a knob on my MIDI
-- controller to tell Tidal how much to vary the scene randomness.

    -- scale scene knob from 0 to 4
    sceneRange = (range 0 4 $ (cF 0 "90"))
    -- MIDI output mapping to send CC to drum synth
    scene pat = ccv pat # ccn 92 # rytm

  $ cpsDisc minTempo maxTempo
  $ (|* gain 1.2)
  $ stack [
    -- pad
    bgOn $ slow 4 $ (|+ note (shiftBy 1100 $ choose [-36,-24,-12])) 
      $ note (scale "ritusen" "{0 -1 1 -2 2}%1") # pad 
    , useIter $ reduce
      $ stack [
        -- kick
        bdOn $ struct main $ bd # gain 0.8
        -- perc1
        , perc1On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.0625 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc1
        -- perc2
        , perc2On $ someCyclesBy 0.5 (superimpose (0.125 ~>)) $ (0.125 ~>) 
          $ struct main $ perc2
        -- cp
        , clapOn $ struct cpp $ cp
        -- ch
        , hatOn $ sometimesBy 0.08 (|+ midichan 1) 
          $ struct chp $ ch
        -- the scene changes twice per cycle with "segment 2".
        -- send random scene to drum synth based on sceneRange knob
        , scene (segment 2 $ range 0 sceneRange $ shrand 94991) 
  ] # rytm # cps (170/240)



-- Compose in code.
-- Perform on a controller.

-- All these features together result in a kind of 
-- performance ecosystem to play in.


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