IdCardOCR Public
Forked from XieZhiFa/IdCardOCR身份证正反面识别,身份证扫描识别,二代身份证OCR识别,OCR极速识别身份证所有信息正反面均可。离线无需联网,极速秒扫。
Java UpdatedJun 23, 2020 -
frida Public
Forked from frida/fridaClone this repo to build Frida
Makefile Other UpdatedJun 5, 2020 -
vim.wasm Public
Forked from rhysd/vim.wasmVim editor ported to WebAssembly
Vim Script UpdatedMar 25, 2020 -
pyspider Public
Forked from binux/pyspiderA Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 29, 2020 -
down_52pojie_cn Public
Forked from ganlvtech/down_52pojie_cnA single page file explorer that can be hosted on static website. 吾爱破解论坛 爱盘 https://down.52pojie.cn/ 页面的源代码
PHP MIT License UpdatedMay 14, 2019 -