This is the backend server for the Red Gummi service
Install the module with: npm install jobumes-server
Download VirtualBox from If your OS is Ubuntu, then you may download from here: Once the .deb file is downloaded it can be installed with the dpkg command. The below commands show how to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 16.04
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-5.1_5.1.18-114002Ubuntuxenial_amd64.deb
Download Vagrant from If your OS is Ubuntu, then you may download the one for Debian OS. Once the .deb file is downloaded it can be installed with the dpkg command
$ sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.9.3_x86_64.deb
The Vagrant plugin for AWS is called vagrant-aws. The source code for this plugin can be found at This plugin is needed to deploy the production instance of red-gummi-server on AWS. The plugin can be installed by running the following command.
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
The VM for running a local instance on your machine is called "local". In a terminal, go into the project home folder and use Vagrant to bring up the VM
$ vagrant up local
This will take some time to setup the VM in your laptop. Then, execute the following command to provision.
$ vagrant provision local
The red-gummi-server will automatically come up at the execution of this script.
The VM for running red-gummi-server an AWS instance is called "prod". In a terminal, go into the project home folder and use Vagrant to bring up the VM.
$ vagrant up prod
This will take some time to setup the VM. Then, execute the following command to provision.
$ vagrant provision prod
The red-gummi-server will automatically come up at the execution of this script.
Licensed under the private license.