Tags: kingwenChen/Rusthon
Toggle 0.9.9s's commit message
Toggle 0.9.9r's commit message
js backend: Transferable Objects bi-directional, send typed array bac…
…k to main thread without a copy.
Toggle 0.9.9q's commit message
js backend: updated richards benchmark, new decorator @v8 , and functi…
…on `v8` can be called with arrow `v8->(myfunc(warmup))`
Toggle 0.9.9o's commit message
js backend: tested optimized sliceset `myarr[x:y]=Z`
Toggle 0.9.9P's commit message
fixed string slice, updated regtest reports.
Toggle 0.9.9n's commit message
Toggle 0.9.9m's commit message
Toggle 0.9.9l's commit message
c++ backend: allow c++11 move syntax in function argument types `def …
…f( a:string&& ):`
Toggle 0.9.9k's commit message
allow `git` attribute in script html to download using `git clone` if…
… external js library is not found in home directory.
Toggle 0.9.9j's commit message
go backend fixed: TODO fix multiple return types, or replace with int…
…erfaces{} and syntax to typecast `foo as bar`
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