Vitify with Electron
⚛️ Electron + Nuxt + Vuetify Opinionated Starter Template
⚛️ Electron - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
💚 Nuxt - SPA, File-based routing, Layout system, components auto importing, modules, etc
🧼 ESLint flat config powered by @nuxt/eslint, future-proof
🦾 Typed IPC communication powered with
📦 ESM Only - Configured Rollup to transform CJS both in your main/renderer processes
💾 Database - SQLite + Drizzle ORM, next gen TypeScript ORM DX
🪟 Default layout with drawer, header(title bar) and footer (status bar)
🧭 Auto generated navigation drawer and breadcrumbs based on routes
🔔 Notification store
📉 Data visualization with nuxt-echarts
🎨 Theme color customization and dark mode
📱 Responsive layout
vitify-nuxt - Vuetify 3 with Nuxt 3, the best DX 🔥🔥🔥
vitify-next - Lightweight Vue 3 version without Electron
vitify-admin - Vite + Vuetify 2, Opinionated Admin Stater Template
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Linux
- MacOS
pnpm dev
To build the App, run
pnpm build
And you will see the generated executable and setup.exe
in release