Cooking Blog is a website with recipes and posts, as well as an admin panel. This project uses Laravel as backend.
Here are some of the features it includes:
- Administrative panel with CRUD operations for recipes and posts
- Tree structure of comments and the ability to edit them
- Different categories of access to the administrative panel
- Filtering recipes by categories, tags, complexity of cooking
- Changing the site display settings from the administrative panel
And many others functions...
To see the site, follow the link - Cooking Blog
You can also view the administrative part of the site. To do this, you need to follow the link and log in - Admin Panel
Login - [email protected]
Password - qwerty123
Login - [email protected]
Password - qwerty123
If you are interested in trying Cooking Blog, you can do the following.
Clone this repository to your machine.
git clone -b v3 --depth 1 --single-branch
file to.env
.cp .env.example .env
This file will be used by Laravel during development.
Run all managed services with Docker Compose, and wait for all containers to run perfectly.
docker-compose up -d
Go to the php container.
docker exec -it app bash
Install dependencies.
composer install
Make migrate.
php artisan migrate
Fill database with data using seed classes.
php artisan db:seed --class=GenerateSeeder
To login to the admin panel, enter this data.
Login - [email protected] Password - 123456
If all goes well, you can immediately try opening http://localhost:8886 in the browser.