Author: Kryštof Kiss
Simple MIPS32 disassembler written in python.
Project was developed in Python. We used PyCharm as IDE.
Library | Version |
Python | 3.8+ |
To run the application use one of the following commands:
python -h, --help show this help message and exit
python -f FILE, --file FILE specify a file to decode
python -e, --example use this option to use example program
python -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT specify a file to save output in
Example input
Example output
0x23bdfffc -> addi $sp, $sp, 0x0000fffc
0xafbf0000 -> sw $ra, 0x00000000($sp)
0x20040002 -> addi $a0, $zero, 0x00000002
0xaf848000 -> sw $a0, 0x00008000($gp)
0x20050003 -> addi $a1, $zero, 0x00000003
0xaf858004 -> sw $a1, 0x00008004($gp)
0x0c10000b -> jal 0x0010000b
0xaf828008 -> sw $v0, 0x00008008($gp)
0x8fbf0000 -> lw $ra, 0x00000000($sp)
0x23bd0004 -> addi $sp, $sp, 0x00000004
0x03e00008 -> jr $ra
0x00851020 -> add $v0, $a0, $a1
0x03e00008 -> jr $ra
Type | Keyword | Purpose | Opcode (int) | Func (int) |
R | sll |
Shift Word Left Logical | 0x00 (0) | 0x00 (0) |
R | srl |
Shift Word Right Logical | 0x00 (0) | 0x02 (2) |
R | sra |
Shift Word Right Arithmetic | 0x00 (0) | 0x03 (3) |
R | sllv |
Shift Word Left Logical Variable | 0x00 (0) | 0x04 (4) |
R | srlv |
Shift Word Right Logical Variable | 0x00 (0) | 0x07 (6) |
R | srav |
Shift Word Right Arithmetic Variable | 0x00 (0) | 0x07 (7) |
R | jr |
Jump Register | 0x00 (0) | 0x08 (8) |
R | jalr |
Jump and Link Register | 0x00 (0) | 0x09 (9) |
R | syscall |
System Call | 0x00 (0) | 0x0C (12) |
R | mfhi |
Move From HI Register | 0x00 (0) | 0x10 (16) |
R | mthi |
Move to HI Register | 0x00 (0) | 0x11 (17) |
R | mflo |
Move From LO Register | 0x00 (0) | 0x12 (18) |
R | mtlo |
Move to LO Register | 0x00 (0) | 0x13 (19) |
R | mult |
Multiply Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x18 (24) |
R | multu |
Multiply Unsigned Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x19 (25) |
R | div |
Divide Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x1A (26) |
R | divu |
Divide Unsigned Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x1B (27) |
R | add |
Add Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x20 (32) |
R | addu |
Add Unsigned Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x21 (33) |
R | sub |
Subtract Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x22 (34) |
R | subu |
Subtract Unsigned Word | 0x00 (0) | 0x23 (35) |
R | and |
Bitwise AND | 0x00 (0) | 0x24 (36) |
R | or |
Bitwise OR | 0x00 (0) | 0x25 (37) |
R | xor |
Bitwise XOR | 0x00 (0) | 0x26 (38) |
R | nor |
Bitwise NOR | 0x00 (0) | 0x27 (39) |
R | slt |
Set on Less Than | 0x00 (0) | 0x2A (42) |
R | sltu |
Set on Less Than Unsigned | 0x00 (0) | 0x2B (43) |
Type | Keyword | Purpose | Opcode (int) |
J | j |
Jump | 0x02 (2) |
J | jal |
Jump and Link | 0x03 (3) |
Type | Keyword | Purpose | Opcode (int) |
I | beq |
Branch on Equal | 0x04 (4) |
I | bne |
Branch on Not Equal | 0x05 (5) |
I | blez |
Branch on Less Than or Equal to Zero | 0x06 (6) |
I | bgtz |
Branch on Greater Than Zero | 0x07 (7) |
I | addi |
Add Immediate Word | 0x08 (8) |
I | addiu |
Add Immediate Unsigned Word | 0x09 (9) |
I | slti |
Set on Less Than Immediate | 0x0A (10) |
I | sltiu |
Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned | 0x0B (11) |
I | andi |
Bitwise AND Immediate | 0x0C (12) |
I | ori |
Bitwise OR Immediate | 0x0D (13) |
I | xori |
Bitwise XOR Immediate | 0x0E (14) |
I | lui |
Load Upper Immediate | 0x0F (15) |
I | lb |
Load Byte | 0x20 (32) |
I | lh |
Load Halfword | 0x21 (33) |
I | lw |
Load Word | 0x23 (35) |
I | lbu |
Load Byte Unsigned | 0x24 (36) |
I | lhu |
Load Halfword Unsigned | 0x25 (37) |
I | sb |
Store Byte | 0x28 (40) |
I | sh |
Store Halfword | 0x29 (41) |
I | sw |
Store Word | 0x2B (43) |
Disassembler translates machine code to language of symbolic instructions.
├── disassembler_python/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── example_input.txt
│ └── mips.json
├── docs/
│ ├── dokument.pdf
│ ├── prezentacia.pdf
│ └── zaverecny_protokol.pdf
├── .gitignore
- disassembler-python/ - project root
- .gitignore - gitignore for git
- - entry point for starting application
- - this file
- disassembler_python/ - package containing logic of disassembler
- - package file
- - defines Disassembler class with methods
- example_input.txt - example text for input
- mips.json - mips configuration
- docs/ - documents
Disassembler uses mips.json
file to initialize it's configuration.
Initialization includes: MIPS registers, MIPS instructions, templates for parsing instructions.
Structure of file is following:
"registers": {
"0": "$zero",
"1": "$at",
"2": "$v0"
"opcodes": [
"instructions": {
"0": {
"0": {
"type": "R",
"opcode": 0,
"func": 0,
"syntax": "sll $rd, $rt, $shift"
"2": {
"type": "J",
"opcode": "0x02",
"syntax": "j $offset"
"opcode": "0b11111100000000000000000000000000",
"r_type_format": {
"rs": "0b00000011111000000000000000000000",
"rt": "0b00000000000111110000000000000000",
"rd": "0b00000000000000001111100000000000",
"shift": "0b00000000000000000000011111000000",
"func": "0b00000000000000000000000000111111"
"j_type_format": {
"offset": "0b00000011111111111111111111111111"
"i_type_format": {
"rs": "0b00000011111000000000000000000000",
"rt": "0b00000000000111110000000000000000",
"imm": "0b00000000000000001111111111111111"
- registers: registers array
- instructions: instructions array, each instruction has it's type, opcode, syntax and optionally function code
- opcode/(r/j/i_type_format): templates for parsing different part of instruction