A simple command line tool to generate a One Time Password to perform Two-Factor Authentication, something everyone should use if available.
Since I'm always at a command line, an easy way to generate OTPs is using the same workstation I'm already on.
Pay attention that in order to generate an OTP, a secret key stored on the computer/device is needed. If this key is stolen, anyone can generate keys for you.
In order to mitigate this security issue, the keys should be stored as encrypted with GPG with a passphrase.
- Install oathtool for the OTP generate function
- Install yq to parse the config files
- Install bc to make calculations
- If using automatic clipboard action install xclip
- Install gpg to be able to encrypt the key file
- Configure your GPG recipient in the script, editing
GPG_RECIPIENT="<[email protected]>"
- If using the QR code print function install qrencode
otp -a edit
to edit or create the keyring. The format for the config file is stored in YAML, and a sample looks like this
# valid totp or hotp
type: totp
# the key, no spaces
otpSecret: aaabbbcccddd111222333
# in case scaned in an app
label: [email protected]
# for the logo
issuer: gmail
# for the time period [optional]
period: 30
For a valid issuer list check for example https://github.com/bilelmoussaoui/Authenticator/blob/master/data/data.json
The keyring default place will be `$HOME/.otpkeys.gpg`
otp service_name
to generate an OTP for the serviceotp service_name -a print-and-copy
to copy the key directly into the main clipboad