This package is used to test, validate and optimize AWS Service Control Policies.
$ pip install git+
- Mandatory keys exist (based on the AWS documentation)
- Unknown keys are not allowed
- Unknown conditions are not allowed (based on the AWS documentation)
- Keys are unique
- Return warnings if the policy size is above 90% of the hard limit of AWS (5120 bytes)
- Return errors if the policy size is above 100% of the hard limit of AWS.
- Count actions which are explicit AWS actions (e.g.
is an explicit action without any wildcards) - Count actions which contains wildcards and also count the amount of actions which are covered by those wildcards.
- Check for actions which are unknown and return warnings (action can contain typo or is a new action which isn't covered by the documentation yet).
- Check for duplicates and return warnings if there are duplicate items in the statements (doesn't compare conditions or resource restrictions yet).
- Returns an recommendation if the actions are unsorted.
- Returns recommendations if you can combine one or more items by adding wildcards.
$ scplint -h
usage: scplint.bat [-h] -i INPUT [-d] [-m] [-r] [-o {json,yaml}] [-v] [--version]
SCPlint to validate and optimize your AWS SCPs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Path to the SCP(s), e.g. "path/to/scp.json"
-d, --detailed Enable detailed report of your SCP(s)
-m, --minimize Minimize the SCP (remove linebreaks and blanks)
-r, --recursive Search recursive for json files the given folder.
-o {json,yaml}, --output {json,yaml}
Configure output format of the report
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging.
--version Print the current version of scplint
Here's an example output:
$ scplint -i my_scp.json -m -d
"details": [
"actions": {
"actions": 94,
"actual": 0,
"error": 0,
"explicit": 42,
"info": 0,
"notactions": 1,
"warning": 0,
"wildcard": 670
"details": {
"recommendations": [
"code": "O301",
"msg": "Actions are unsorted.",
"rule": "Action unsorted"
"code": "O301",
"msg": "Actions are unsorted.",
"rule": "Action unsorted"
"code": "O301",
"msg": "Actions are unsorted.",
"rule": "Action unsorted"
"file": "my_scp.json",
"percent": "83.7%",
"size": 4283,
"size_maximum": 5120,
"summary": {
"errors": 0,
"infos": 0,
"recommendations": 3,
"warnings": 0
"files": [
"summary": {
"errors": 0,
"infos": 0,
"recommendations": 3,
"warnings": 0