Edit files in containers by vim running on local.
:DockerEdit container_name:/tmp/example.txt
This command copy the content of /tmp/example.txt in the container named container_name to the tmp file, and open it.
When execute :w
, the content of the tmp file is written to /tmp/example.txt in the container.
:DockerWrite container_name:/path/to/file
This command write the content of current file to the /path/to/file in the container named container_name.
If you want to upddate /path/to/file in the container automatically on executing :w
, use :DockerWriteEdit
This command execute the content of a file in a container.
If asyncrun.vim is installed, this is executed via :AsyncRun
First, run a container.
docker container run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -itd --rm --name swift swift
Second, open sample.swift and edit.
print("Hello World")
The extension of the file is important. It is used to determine the container in which the script is executed and the way execution.
Then, execute :DockerPlay
The container in which the script is executed and the way execution is configured by g:docker_play_containers
as follows
let g:docker_play_containers = {
\ 'py': {'container': 'python', 'cmd': ['python']},
\ 'swift': {'container': 'swift', 'cmd': ['swift']},
Keys of g:docker_play_containers
are file extensions.
The value of container
is a name of container in which script is executed.
The value of cmd
is a list of the command and arguments to execute the script.
In case of sample.py, :DockerPlay
equivalents to docker container exec python python sample.py
In this example, assuming that a docker container named 'docker-vim' is running.
docker run -itd --name docker-vim ubuntu
Write the file ~/.docker-vim.json as follows.
"projects": [
"container": "docker-vim",
"container_dir": "/tmp",
"local_dir": "~/path/to/dir"
This configuration map docker-vim:/tmp to the local directory ~/path/to/dir.
Then commands :DockerUpload
, :DockerDownload
and :DockerDiffFile
is avaiable in the ~/path/to/dir directory.
Open the file ~/path/to/dir/example.txt in vim and write something.
After save with :w
, execute :DockerUpload
When :DockerUpload
is executed, the content of current file is copyied to the docker container docker-vim:/tmp/example.txt
Open the file ~/path/to/dir/example.txt in vim and execute :DockerDownload
When :DockerDownload
is executed, the content of the file in docker container (in example, docker-vim:/tmp/example.txt) is copyied to the current file.
Open file ~/path/to/dir/example.txt in vim, then execute :DockerDiffFile
Differences between ~/path/to/dir/example.txt and docker-vim:/tmp/example.txt are shown in diff-mode.