This application computes the probability that you will encounter a bigfoot at a particular lat / lng. The sighting data used to generate the map and charts are real, however the probability calculation is up for debate. It is calculated by doing some arbitrary math with random chance (chances of winning the lottery), proximity, and area sightings. Charts and tables are provided to help aid your search and determine optimal season, moon phase, and so forth. If you encounter a bigfoot by using this application. I cannot accept responsibility for potential injury. Please use at your own risk.
This code can easily be adapted to a real world scenario. By adding real estate data, you could create a heat map for "No Vacancy" properties in a particular area. Thus discovering the optimal locations to purchase a vacation rental.
- Demo:
- Visualized Tests:
- Visualized Documentation:
This sample demonstrates:
- Use of Ajax and PHP for server communication
- API implementation
- Use of Flex/Responsvie Css
- Use of JavaScript functions
- Input and output operations
- Use of Jasmine for Unit testing
- Use of Git for version control
- Use of JSDoc for documentation
Instructions on how to obtain your own API key visit this tutorial.
<script src=""async defer></script>
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
In effot to keep the repository clean, docker files have been moved to their own folder. Clone the repo and navigate to the docker directory inside your favorite terminal.
Build the container
docker-compose build
Start the container in the background
docker-compose up -d
Import the database
docker exec -i 5.7-mysql mysql -uroot -pP@55w0rd bigfoot < bfro_reports_geocoded.sql
NOTE: Login credentials can be changed in inc/conn.php and docker/docker-compose.yml
Site now available at localhost
Find Windows www port by using
docker container ls
Site now available at localhost:[winport]
Map not working? Make sure to include your Google Map API key in index.html
Tests can be executed by browsing to /spec/specrunner.html
│ ...
│ index.spec.js //unit tests
│ specrunner.html //page displaying tests
│ │ index.html //fixed enviroment in which test are run
└─── ...
Documentation can be generated using
docker exec -it 7.2.x-www npm run jsdoc
- Google Maps JavaScript API - Map API
- Chartjs - Chart visualizations
- jQuery - The web framework used
- Bigfoot Sighting Data - Data being analyzed
- Kita Cranfill - Development - GitHub
- Thanks Timothy Renner for providing the Bigfoot Sighting data.