cxfrest - RestFul Service using Apache CXF + Maven + Eclipse
Required: Java 7+ and Eclipse Luno
Step 1: Add Maven Archetype Catelog into Eclipse
Windows->Preference->Maven->ArcheTypes - Add Remote Catalog ""
Step 2: Create New Maven Project - Select Archetype "cxf-jaxrs-service"
Step 3: Copy "" from cxfrest and replace in your maven project
Step 4: Run Maven Clean, Install and Maven Build with goal - tomcat7:run-war
Step 5: Test REST Service using REST Client (like Chrome Web App - Advacnce REST Client)
http://localhost:13000/jaxrs-service/hello/echo/{input} - Simple HTTP GET
http://localhost:13000/jaxrs-service//hello/jsonBean - HTTP POST - Accepts and Produce JSON
http://localhost:13000/jaxrs-service//hello/image - HTTP Multipart/Form-Data - File(Image) Upload