- Pro
The first repo teaching how to use Falcor-7.0 to perform pixel-space Spherical Harmonics Lighting.
3D-Graphics-Rendering-Cookbook, Second Edition
An educational path tracer written in C using Vulkan to supplement a lecture series on path tracing.
Code for wave optics based appearance modeling of different types of iridescent feathers.
Hypernetworks for Generalizable BRDF Representation (ECCV'24) - Official repository
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2024] BSDF importance sampling using a diffusion model
This editor allows editing 2D tangent fields and rendering in real-time the anisotropic appearance defined by such fields.
A cross-platform, high performance renderer for Gaussian Splatting using Vulkan Compute. Supports ✅ Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and visionOS
Source Code for "N-BVH: Neural ray queries with bounding volume hierarchies" (SIGGRAPH 2024)
Code for SIGGRAPH 2024 (ToG) paper "Specular Polynomials"
A lightweight library for portable low-level GPU computation using WebGPU.
[SIGGRAPH'24] 2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields
💠 Single-file glTF 2.0 loader and writer written in C99
Real-time Approximation of Photometric Polygonal Lights Demo
Real-time path tracing library and sample
A guide to using modern OpenGL functions.
linalg.h is a single header, public domain, short vector math library for C++
A detailed formulae explanation on gaussian splatting
This repository is part of a "Machine Learning from Scratch" seminar at Harvard Medical School.