Khan Academy
- Saratoga CA
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaijing/
wechat docs organized with the new makefile
Foxit webpdf.js provides a world-class JavaScript library for viewing PDF files in web browsers.
Cordova plugin for Foxit PDF SDK to View PDF Files
Machine Learning Contest 2016 Solution Document
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
Algorithm, data structure and java coding.
kjing / coverage
Forked from meekrosoft/coverageCode coverage with gcc, googletest and hudson example
kjing / github_cli
Forked from piotrmurach/github_cliCLI-based access to GitHub API v3
kjing / python-guide
Forked from realpython/python-guidePython best practices guidebook, written for Humans.
kjing / murder
Forked from lg/murderLarge scale server deploys using BitTorrent and the BitTornado library
kjing / octokit
Forked from octokit/octokit.rbSimple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v3 API
GitHub on your command line. Use your terminal, not the browser.
kjing / gitolite
Forked from sitaramc/gitoliteHosting git repositories -- Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features. [IMPORTANT: please click and…
kjing / irccat
Forked from evanphx/irccatirccat is like `cat`, but here, the STDOUT is an IRC channel.
kjing / github-campfire
Forked from jnewland/github-campfireSinatra app that pushes your Github Commit info to Campfire
A Post Receive HTTP Server template project for use with GitHub
kjing / github-twitter
Forked from Narnach/github-twitter[DEAD] This is out of date and is left purely for others to peruse. Not needed anymore due to github-services
kjing / gitignore
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
A small Sinatra app that will get open issues from Github into Pivotal Tracker
GitHub API documentation
kjing / github-services
Forked from github/github-servicesOfficial GitHub Services Integration - You can set these up in your repo admin screen under Service Hooks
kjing / php-github-api
Forked from ornicar/php-github-apiA simple PHP GitHub API client, Object Oriented, tested and documented. For PHP 5.1 to 5.3.
kjing / github-control
Forked from sr/github-controlControl the githubs
Hack to make post-receive hook management easier
kjing / janky
Forked from github/jankyContinuous integration server built on top of Jenkins and Hubot
kjing / develop.github.com
Forked from kohsuke/develop.github.comAPI Documentation for GitHub
kjing / github-gem
Forked from kohsuke/github-gemThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
kjing / rundeck-training
Forked from dtolabs/rundeck-trainingTraining documentation