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BRUG meetup (Bangalore R User Group)

This repository captures content of my presentations, code notebooks / information shared in Bangalore R User Group meetup events.

Bagging and Boosting in R

  • Please refer to the deck Bagging_Boosting_in_R.pdf for presentation content.
  • The related source file depicting comparision between algorithms using a sample dataset is demonstrated here

Interpretable Machine Learning / ML Explainability / XAI

  • Please refer to the deck ML_Interpretability.pdf for presentation content.
  • The related Jupyter notebook depicting sample dataset demonstration of a LIME package usage is captured here The nbviewer version is here which will display the charts for some LIME explanations appropriately.
  • Following categorization can be looked at from Model Explainability and Interpretability standpoint:
    • Transparent models (Linear / Logistic Regression, Decision trees, k-Nearest Neighbours, Rule based learners, Bayesian models, Generative additive models)
    • Opaque models (Random forests, SVM, Multi layer Neural Net)
    • Both of these Transparent and Opaque models have Model agnostic and Model specific explainability categories
      • Model Agnostic
        • Explanation by simplification
          • Rule based learner
          • Decision tree
        • Feature relevance explanation
          • Influence functions
          • Sensitivity
          • Game theory inspired (SHAP)
          • Interaction based
        • Local explanations
          • Rule based learner (Anchors)
          • Linear approximation (LIME)
          • Counterfactuals
        • Visual explanations
          • Sensitivity
          • Dependency plots (ICE, PDP etc.)
      • Model Specific
        • Explanation by simplification
          • Rule based learners (InTrees)
          • Decision trees (InTrees)
          • Distilation
        • Feature relevance explanation
          • Feature importance

10+10 use cases in Retail in 2020

  • Please refer to 10plus10_in_Retail_in_2020.pdf for the presentation.
  • The purpose is to present predictions around key business use cases that will continue to dominate in Retail in Data Science and AI in 2020. Stakeholders should focus these use cases to get benefits and create impact and value for their business.

Extreme Gradient Boosting in R

  • The purpose is to understand concepts of the scalable tree boosting approach (XGBoost) in R, it's features etc. This solves many data science problems in relatively fast and accurate manner.
  • The code snippet is under here
  • Please refer to XGBoost_in_R.pdf for the presentation.
  • DIsclaimer: Some of this content, approach are reused from various references.

Deep Learning using R

  • Please refer to the DeepLearning_using_R.pdf for details.
  • Objective is to provide a very high level view about Deep learning and some packages in R. Example of MNIST dataset can be leveraged to showcase the use of R using various libraries.

Packages / Libraries in R

  • Please refer to Packages_and_OOP_in_R.pdf deck for content on the presentation conducted as part of BRUG. This focuses on Packages and OOP in R (at a high level).

  • The following list does not involve entire exhaustive list. However, the intent is to provide some key and important packages that are used and helpful in most CRISP-DM phases.

R Packages at a glance by category

Package category Package Name Features
Data Manipulation dplyr Data wrangling, working with remote data frames
Data Manipulation data.table Data aggregation involving large datasets, file reader and parallel file writer
Data Manipulation lubridate Working with date and time formats, parsing of date-time data
Data Manipulation jsonlite Robust parsing of JSON objects in R
Package category Package Name Features
Graphic Display ggplot2 Powerful implementation of the grammar of graphics visualization, Plot specifications
Graphic Display corrplot Abilities to visualize correlation matrices and confidence intervals
Graphic Display lattice Emphasis on multivariate data
Package category Package Name Features
HTML Widget plotly Rich features around charts, web based toolbox for building visualizations
HTML Widget ggvis Implementation of an interactive grammar of graphic
HTML Widget DT(DataTables) Displays R matrices and data frames as interactive HTML tables
HTML Widget rCharts Interactive JS charts from R
Package category Package Name Features
Reproducible Research knitr Easy dynamic report generation in R, enables integration of R code into LaTex, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, reStructuredText documents
Reproducible Research rMarkdown Next generation implementation of R Markdown based on pandoc
Reproducible Research slidify Generated reproducible html5 slides from R markdown
Package category Package Name Features
Machine Learning mlr Extensible framework for classification, regression, survival analysis and clustering, easy extension mechanism through S3 inheritance
Machine Learning xgboost Implementation of Gradient Boosted Decision Trees algorithm
Machine Learning caret Multiple model comparision and usage for classification and regression
Machine Learning gbm Generalized Boosted Regression Models
Machine Learning prophet Forecast for time series data, manages data with multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth
Machine Learning randomforest Implements Breiman's random forest algorithm for classification
Machine Learning Arules Mining Association Rules and Frequent itemsets
Machine Learning Boruta Wrapper algorithm for all relevant feature selection
Machine Learning Forecast Timeseries forecasting using ARIMA, ETS, STLM, TBATS, and neural network models
Machine Learning Anomalize Tidy Anomaly Detection using Twitter’s AnomalyDetection method
Machine Learning AnomalyDetection AnomalyDetection R package from Twitter
Machine Learning e1071 Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071)
Machine Learning MXNet MXNet brings flexible and efficient GPU computing and state-of-art deep learning to R
Package category Package Name Features
Web Search Rcurl general network (HTTP/FTP…) client interface for R
Web Search Curl flexible web client for R
Web Search Httr user friendly Rcurl wrapper
Web Search shiny simple interactive web applications with R
Web Search Plumber A library to expose existing R code as web API
Web Search Rfacebook access to facebook API via R
Package category Package Name Features
Database Management RODBC ODBC database access for R
Database Management DBI common interface between R and DBMS
Database Management Elastic wrapper for elastic search HTTP API
Database Management ROracle OCI based Oracle database interface for R
Database Management RPostgreSQL R interface to PostgreSQL database system
Database Management RSQLite SQLite interface for R
Package category Package Name Features
NLP Specific text2vec Fast Text Mining Framework for Vectorization and Word Embeddings
NLP Specific tm A comprehensive text mining framework for R
NLP Specific OpenNLP Apache OpenNLP Tools Interface
NLP Specific koRpus An R Package for Text Analysis
NLP Specific LDAvis Interactive visualization of topic models
NLP Specific SnowballC Snowball stemmers based on the C libstemmer UTF-8 library
NLP Specific Tidytext Implementing tidy principles of Hadley Wickham to text mining
Package category Package Name Features
Optimization lpSolve Interface to Lp_solve to Solve Linear/Integer Programs
Optimization Minqa Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation
Optimization Nloptr NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization
Optimization Rglpk R/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface
Package category Package Name Features
Computer vision magick importing / converting to/from all formats / basic image manipulation
Computer vision imageR image processing library based on “CImg” (interpolation, resizing, filtering, fourier transformations, denoising, gradients, blurring)
Computer vision OpenImageR an image processing toolkit (hashing, edge detection, manipulation)


  • The contents of this document are to best of my knowledge and based on my own experiences only. Some data and names MAY BE tweaked/masked to take care of data privacy, sensitivity and business sensitivity aspects if applicable. The information provided is purely to highlight experience gathered with clear business impact created and NO WAY RELATES TO ANY ORGANIZATION or ORGANIZATION's OPINIONS, VIEWS.
  • Intent is for knowledge sharing and continuous learning as much as possible.
  • Focus is also to share from the quorum and leverage from lessons learnt, continuous learning.


Content related to meetup - Bangalore R User Group






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