A repository to monitor attack vectors
Running parallel to this effort, some conservatives have been experimenting with a scheme to exploit the credibility of local journalism. Over the past few years, hundreds of websites with innocuous-sounding names like the Arizona Monitor and The Kalamazoo Times have begun popping up. At first glance, they look like regular publications, complete with community notices and coverage of schools. But look closer and you’ll find that there are often no mastheads, few if any bylines, and no addresses for local offices. Many of them are organs of Republican lobbying groups; others belong to a mysterious company called Locality Labs, which is run by a conservative activist in Illinois. Readers are given no indication that these sites have political agendas—which is precisely what makes them valuable
Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/03/the-2020-disinformation-war/605530/
Their shit looks really real: https://kalamazootimes.com until you start looking at all the articles at once: https://kalamazootimes.com/stories/tag/126-politics
- https://northmichigannews.com
- https://annarbortimes.com
- https://grandrapidsreporter.com
- https://lansingsun.com
- https://pontiactimes.com
- https://micapitolnews.com
- https://eastmichigannews.com
- https://waterlootimes.com
- https://iowacitytoday.com
- https://phxreporter.com
- https://metrolexnews.com
- https://pontiactimes.com
- https://sevalleytimes.com
- https://southpimanews.com
- https://jacksonpurchasenews.com
- https://downrivertoday.com
- https://livingstontoday.com
- https://dakotatimes.com
- https://detroitcitywire.com
- https://grandcanyontimes.com
- https://warrensun.com
- https://abqtimes.com
- https://southmichigannews.com
- https://nwwaynenews.com
- https://northtrianglenews.com
- https://northmecklenburgnews.com
- https://greatlakeswire.com
- https://eastwaketimes.com
- https://muskegonsun.com
- https://northmichigannews.com
- https://minnesotastatewire.com
- https://southashevillenews.com
- https://stpaulreporter.com
- https://southwinstonsalemnews.com
- https://seiowanews.com
- https://minneapolisreview.com
- https://eastpennyroyalnews.com
- https://ncminnesotanews.com
- https://nwminnesotanews.com
- https://centraliowatimes.com
- https://mohavetoday.com
- https://forestcountrynews.com
- https://hillcountrychronicle.com
- https://tamparepublic.com
- https://netarrantnews.com
- https://nortextimes.com
- https://swminnesotatoday.com
- https://leetoday.com
- https://siouxcitytimes.com
- https://easttwincities.com
- https://tucsonstandard.com
- https://conchovalleynews.com
- https://westflnews.com
- https://okeechobeetimes.com
- https://manateereview.com
- https://palmcoasttimes.com
- https://polktimes.com
- https://eastdfwnews.com
- https://westtxnews.com
- https://westvolusianews.com
Some quick Google-fu with a sentence from their about page: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Metric+Media+was+established+to+fill+the+void+in+community+news+after+years+of+decline+in+local+reporting+by+legacy+media.%22&rlz=1C1GCEU_nlNL823NL823&filter=0
These sites are run on Amazon AWS - most of them are co-hosted alongside each other. The company Metric Media, LLC owns/runs these properties on Amazon AWS. Some of these domains will return an error message - Metric Media has them staged so that they can quickly turn up more targeted fake news websites. It is believed that Metric Media, LLC is currently staging 700+ local fake news sites ahead of the 2020 election - below is the recon of that activity.
AWS Server:
- akronreporter.com
- andersonreporter.com
- annarbortimes.com
- battlecreektimes.com
- bloomingtonleader.com
- buckeyereporter.com
- butlercountytoday.com
- cantonreporter.com
- centralohiotoday.com
- centralwisconsinnews.com
- chippewavalleytimes.com
- cincyreporter.com
- clermonttimes.com
- clevelandreporter.com
- columbusstandard.com
- daytonreporter.com
- delcoreview.com
- detroitcitywire.com
- downrivertoday.com
- eastclevelandnews.com
- easternwaynetoday.com
- eastindynews.com
- eastmichigannews.com
- eaststarknews.com
- ecindiananews.com
- ecohionews.com
- ecwisconsinnews.com
- elkharttimes.com
- fairfieldreporter.com
- findlaytimes.com
- fondulacnews.com
- foxcitiesnews.com
- ftwaynetimes.com
- geneseenews.com
- grandrapidsreporter.com
- greatlakeswire.com
- greenbayreporter.com
- greenecotimes.com
- hollandreporter.com
- hoosierstatetoday.com
- indystandard.com
- kalamazootimes.com
- kenoshareporter.com
- kentuckianatimes.com
- kokomostandard.com
- lafayettetimes.com
- lakecountytimes.com
- lansingsun.com
- lickingtoday.com
- limareporter.com
- livingstontoday.com
- loraintimes.com
- macombtoday.com
- madisonreporter.com
- mansfieldtimes.com
- marionmorrowtimes.com
- medinatoday.com
- micapitolnews.com
- mkecitywire.com
- mkenorth.com
- mkesouth.com
- monroereview.com
- munciereporter.com
- muskegonsun.com
- ncindiananews.com
- ncwisconsinnews.com
- nefranklinnews.com
- neindiananews.com
- neohiotimes.com
- newisconsinnews.com
- northcincynews.com
- northcolumbusnews.com
- northindynews.com
- northkentnews.com
- northmichigannews.com
- northsummitnews.com
- northwoodsreporter.com
- novitimes.com
- nwfranklinnews.com
- nwohiotimes.com
- nwwaynenews.com
- ozaukeetimes.com
- pontiactimes.com
- portagetimes.com
- racinesun.com
- scwisconsinnews.com
- segrandrapids.com
- seindiananews.com
- seoaklandnews.com
- seohiotimes.com
- shelbyreview.com
- shiawasseetimes.com
- southbendtimes.com
- southcolumbusnews.com
- southcuyahoganews.com
- southernindianatoday.com
- southfranklinnews.com
- southindynews.com
- southkentnews.com
- southmichigannews.com
- southohionews.com
- southsummitnews.com
- sowisconsintimes.com
- stclairtoday.com
- stjoebentonharbor.com
- sturgiscoldwaternews.com
- swindiananews.com
- swwisconsinnews.com
- theregionnews.com
- thesconi.com
- thumbreporter.com
- toledoreporter.com
- tricitysun.com
- triconews.com
- trumballnews.com
- tuscarawasnews.com
- upgazette.com
- vacationlandtimes.com
- warrenclintonnews.com
- warrensun.com
- washingtoncotimes.com
- waterfordtoday.com
- waukeshatimes.com
- waynecountytoday.com
- wcindiananews.com
- wcmichigannews.com
- wcwisconsinnews.com
- westclevelandnews.com
- westernwaynetoday.com
- westhamiltonnews.com
- westindynews.com
- westlucasnews.com
- weststarknews.com
- whitewatertimes.com
- youngstowntimes.com
AWS Server:
- abqtimes.com
- adamscountytimes.com
- adareporter.com
- beehivestatenews.com
- bigskytimes.com
- boisecitywire.com
- boulderleader.com
- cdareporter.com
- centennialstatenews.com
- centralcoloradonews.com
- centralidahotimes.com
- centralmontanatimes.com
- centralutahnews.com
- centralwynews.com
- coconinonews.com
- davistimes.com
- denvercitywire.com
- eaglevalleytimes.com
- eastarapahoenews.com
- eastarizonanews.com
- eastidahotimes.com
- eastnewmexiconews.com
- eastslcnews.com
- enchantmentstatenews.com
- equalitystatenews.com
- gemstatewire.com
- glaciercountrynews.com
- grandcanyontimes.com
- grandjunctiontimes.com
- larimernews.com
- lasvegasrecord.com
- magicvalleytimes.com
- mohavetoday.com
- necoloradonews.com
- nemontananews.com
- nenewmexiconews.com
- nevalleytimes.com
- newyomingnews.com
- northidahotimes.com
- northjeffconews.com
- northnevadanews.com
- northpimanews.com
- northutahnews.com
- northvegastimes.com
- nwclarknews.com
- nwmontananews.com
- nwnewmexiconews.com
- nwvalleytimes.com
- nwwyomingnews.com
- phxreporter.com
- pinaltoday.com
- pocatellotimes.com
- renoreporter.com
- sandovalnews.com
- santafestandard.com
- searizonanews.com
- secoloradonews.com
- sedenvernews.com
- semontananews.com
- sevalleytimes.com
- sevegasnews.com
- sewyomingnews.com
- silverstatetimes.com
- slctimes.com
- southabqnews.com
- southjeffconews.com
- southpimanews.com
- southutahnews.com
- springstimes.com
- swarizonanews.com
- swcoloradonews.com
- swmontanatimes.com
- swnewmexiconews.com
- swvalleytimes.com
- swvegasnews.com
- swwyomingnews.com
- treasurevalleytimes.com
- tucsonstandard.com
- utahvalleytimes.com
- washoenews.com
- wastachnews.com
- wcnewmexiconews.com
- webertimes.com
- westarapahoenews.com
- westslcnews.com
- yavapainews.com
- yellowstonetimes.com
AWS Server:
- amestoday.com
- anokatimes.com
- bransontimes.com
- capemonews.com
- cedarrapidstoday.com
- centraliowatimes.com
- centralmissourinews.com
- centralndnews.com
- centralsdnews.com
- centralstlnews.com
- clayreporter.com
- columbiamonews.com
- cornhuskerstatenews.com
- dakotatimes.com
- desmoinessun.com
- dubuquetimes.com
- eastokcnews.com
- easttwincities.com
- eastwichitatimes.com
- eciowanews.com
- eckansasnews.com
- ecnebraskanews.com
- ecoklahomanews.com
- fargostandard.com
- hawkeyereporter.com
- hutchtoday.com
- iowacitytoday.com
- jeffcitynews.com
- jeffcotimes.com
- jocotoday.com
- kcreporter.com
- lawrencereporter.com
- minneapolisreview.com
- minnesotastatewire.com
- nckansasnews.com
- ncminnesotanews.com
- ncoklahomanews.com
- ndnorthnews.com
- neiowanews.com
- nekansascitynews.com
- nekansasnews.com
- nemissourinews.com
- nenebraskanews.com
- nenorthdakotanews.com
- neoklahomanews.com
- nepanhandlenews.com
- nesdnews.com
- northdsmnews.com
- northhennepinnews.com
- northiowareporter.com
- northokcnews.com
- northomahatimes.com
- northramseynews.com
- northstlnews.com
- northtulsatoday.com
- northwichitanews.com
- nwiowanews.com
- nwkansasnews.com
- nwminnesotanews.com
- nwmissouritimes.com
- nwoklahomanews.com
- nwtwincities.com
- okcstandard.com
- omaharecord.com
- peacegardennews.com
- plattenews.com
- riverbendtimes.com
- rushmorestatenews.com
- sandhillstoday.com
- sckansasnews.com
- scminnesotanews.com
- scmissourinews.com
- scnebraskanews.com
- scoklahomanews.com
- seiowanews.com
- sekansascitynews.com
- sekansasnews.com
- seminnesotanews.com
- semissourinews.com
- senebraskanews.com
- seoklahomanews.com
- sesdnews.com
- setwincities.com
- showmestatetimes.com
- siouxcitytimes.com
- siouxempiretoday.com
- soonerstatenews.com
- southdsmnews.com
- southhennepinnews.com
- southiowanews.com
- southkcnews.com
- southokcnews.com
- southomahatimes.com
- southstlnews.com
- southtulsatoday.com
- southwichitanews.com
- springfieldstandard.com
- stcharlestimes.com
- stcloudsun.com
- stlouisreporter.com
- stlwestnews.com
- stpaulreporter.com
- sunflowerstatenews.com
- swiowatimes.com
- swkansasnews.com
- swminnesotatoday.com
- swmissourinews.com
- swoklahomanews.com
- topekasun.com
- tulsastandard.com
- waterlootimes.com
- wciowanews.com
- wcminnesotanews.com
- wcmissourinews.com
- westdsmnews.com
- westernndnews.com
- westernsdnews.com
- weststlnews.com
- westtwincities.com
- wichitastandard.com
- wyandottetimes.com
AWS Server:
- abilenetimes.com
- amarillogazette.com
- auburntimes.com
- austintxnews.com
- baldwintimes.com
- batonrougereporter.com
- bentontimes.com
- bluegrasstimes.com
- bowlinggreentoday.com
- centrallouisiananews.com
- centraltxnews.com
- centroplexnews.com
- clarksvilletimes.com
- collintimes.com
- conchovalleynews.com
- corpuschristisun.com
- dallascitywire.com
- decaturtimes.com
- eastdfwnews.com
- easthoustonnews.com
- eastkentuckytimes.com
- eastlittlerocktimes.com
- eastlouisvillenews.com
- eastpennyroyalnews.com
- eastrgvnews.com
- ecalabamanews.com
- ecmissnews.com
- ectexasnews.com
- elizabethtowntimes.com
- elpasostandard.com
- farwesttxnews.com
- fayettevillestandard.com
- floridaparishnews.com
- forestcountrynews.com
- fortsmithtimes.com
- ftworthtimes.com
- gadsdentoday.com
- graysontimes.com
- gtrtimes.com
- hamiltonreporter.com
- hillcountrychronicle.com
- hindstoday.com
- hopkinsvilletimes.com
- hotspringstimes.com
- houmathibodauxnews.com
- houstonrepublic.com
- huntsvilleleader.com
- jacksonpurchasenews.com
- jeffersonreporter.com
- johnsoncitytimes.com
- jonesborotimes.com
- kingsportreporter.com
- knoxtimes.com
- lafayettereporter.com
- laredotimes.com
- lightofbaldr.com
- lonestarstandard.com
- longviewtimes.com
- louisvillecitywire.com
- lowedeltanews.com
- lubbocktimes.com
- magnoliastatenews.com
- memphisstandard.com
- metrolexnews.com
- midcitytimes.com
- mobilecourant.com
- morristowntimes.com
- msgulfnews.com
- nashvillestandard.com
- naturalstatenews.com
- ncarkansasnews.com
- nckentuckynews.com
- ncmissnews.com
- nctennnews.com
- nealabamanews.com
- nedallasnews.com
- nekentuckynews.com
- nelouisiananews.com
- nemissnews.com
- nenashvillenews.com
- netarrantnews.com
- nolareporter.com
- nortextimes.com
- northacadiananews.com
- northaustinnews.com
- northbirminghamtimes.com
- northbluegrassnews.com
- northcoastalnews.com
- northhoustonnews.com
- northkentuckynews.com
- northknoxnews.com
- northlittlerocktimes.com
- northsanantonionews.com
- northshorelanews.com
- northtxnews.com
- nwalabamanews.com
- nwarkansasnews.com
- nwhoustonnews.com
- nwkentuckynews.com
- nwlouisiananews.com
- nwmissnews.com
- nwtennnews.com
- oxfordreporter.com
- panhandletimes.com
- pelicanstatenews.com
- petroplexnews.com
- pinebelttimes.com
- pulaskitimes.com
- riverparishnews.com
- riverregiontimes.com
- rutherfordtimes.com
- sacorridornews.com
- sanantoniostandard.com
- scmissnews.com
- sctennnews.com
- sctexasnews.com
- sebluegrassnews.com
- sedallasnews.com
- sehoustonnews.com
- sekentuckynews.com
- setennnews.com
- setexastimes.com
- shelbyreporter.com
- shoalstoday.com
- shreveportreporter.com
- smokymountaintoday.com
- southalabamatimes.com
- southbirminghamtimes.com
- southbrazorianews.com
- southcumberlandnews.com
- southdfwnews.com
- southgalvestonnews.com
- southknoxnews.com
- southlouisiananews.com
- southsanantonionews.com
- swarkansastimes.com
- swbluegrassnews.com
- swdallasnews.com
- swhoustonnews.com
- swlouisiananews.com
- swmissnews.com
- swtennnews.com
- tuscaloosaleader.com
- tylerreporter.com
- uppercumberlandtimes.com
- upperdeltanews.com
- uppereasttx.com
- volunteerstatenews.com
- wacoreporter.com
- wcalabamanews.com
- wcmissnews.com
- wctexasnews.com
- westbanklanews.com
- westdfwnews.com
- westhoustonnews.com
- westpennyroyalnews.com
- westrgvnews.com
- westtxnews.com
- williamsonnews.com
- wintergardentoday.com
- wiregrasstimes.com
- yellowhammertimes.com
AWS Server:
- aikentimes.com
- albanystandard.com
- alleghenyhighlandstoday.com
- ashevillereporter.com
- athensreporter.com
- atlstandard.com
- berkeleyleader.com
- bluestonenews.com
- brevardsun.com
- burlingtonreporter.com
- cabarrustoday.com
- centralbrowardnews.com
- centralgeorgianews.com
- centralnovanews.com
- centralshenandoahnews.com
- centralvatimes.com
- chapelhillreview.com
- charlestonleader.com
- charlestonreporter.com
- claycotimes.com
- coastalganews.com
- cobbreporter.com
- columbiastandard.com
- dekalbganews.com
- dorchestertoday.com
- durhamreporter.com
- duvaltimes.com
- easternshoretimes.com
- easthillsboroughnews.com
- eastlakenormannews.com
- eastpanhandlenews.com
- eastpanhandletimes.com
- eastvolusianews.com
- eastwaketimes.com
- ecgeorgianews.com
- ecnorthcarolinanews.com
- ecvirginianews.com
- emeraldcoasttimes.com
- fayettevilletoday.com
- firststatetimes.com
- foothillsreview.com
- fredericksburgleader.com
- gastoniatimes.com
- gatewayreporter.com
- georgiamountainnews.com
- greensbororeporter.com
- greenvilleleader.com
- greenvillereporter.com
- henricotimes.com
- hernandoreporter.com
- hickorysun.com
- highcountrytimes.com
- hiltonheadreporter.com
- huntingtontimes.com
- ibxnews.com
- injouercad.us
- johnstonreporter.com
- kentcountytoday.com
- keywestreporter.com
- leetoday.com
- lowerwestscnews.com
- lynchburgreporter.com
- macontimes.com
- manateereview.com
- miamicourant.com
- mountainstatetimes.com
- myrtlebeachleader.com
- nantahalanews.com
- naplesstandard.com
- naturecoasttimes.com
- ncfloridanews.com
- ncgeorgianews.com
- ncncnews.com
- ncsctimes.com
- ncunionnews.com
- ncwvnews.com
- neatlantanews.com
- nefloridanews.com
- nepiedmontnews.com
- newrivervalleytimes.com
- northbrowardnews.com
- northcharlottetoday.com
- northcharolettenews.com
- northernnecktimes.com
- northfairfaxnews.com
- northfultontoday.com
- northguilfordnews.com
- northgwinnettnews.com
- northiredellnews.com
- northlaketimes.com
- northmecklenburgnews.com
- northmianews.com
- northnewcastlenews.com
- northorlandonews.com
- northpalmbeachtoday.com
- northpanhandlenews.com
- northpanhandletimes.com
- northpinellasnews.com
- northraleightoday.com
- northrichmondtoday.com
- northshenandoahnews.com
- northtidewaternews.com
- northtrianglenews.com
- northwakenews.com
- nwatlantanews.com
- nwgeorgianews.com
- ocalastandard.com
- ohiovalleytimes.com
- okeechobeetimes.com
- oldnorthnews.com
- onslownews.com
- orlandostandard.com
- outerbankstimes.com
- palmcoasttimes.com
- palmettostatenews.com
- panamacityreporter.com
- pascoreporter.com
- peachtreetimes.com
- peedeenews.com
- pensacolatimes.com
- pinehursttoday.com
- pinellastimes.com
- polktimes.com
- princewilliamreporter.com
- randolphcountynews.com
- richmondleader.com
- roanokesun.com
- rockymounttoday.com
- romereporter.com
- rowannews.com
- sarasotareview.com
- savannahstandard.com
- scmidlandnews.com
- scvanews.com
- seatlantanews.com
- segeorgianews.com
- senorthcarolinanews.com
- shenandoahvalleynews.com
- southashevillenews.com
- southatlantanews.com
- southbrowardnews.com
- southcharlottetoday.com
- southcharolettenews.com
- southernwvnews.com
- southfairfaxnews.com
- southfultontoday.com
- southgeorgiatimes.com
- southguilfordnews.com
- southgwinnettnews.com
- southlaketoday.com
- southmecklenburgnews.com
- southmianews.com
- southncnews.com
- southnewcastlenews.com
- southorlandonews.com
- southpalmbeachtoday.com
- southpinellastimes.com
- southraleighnews.com
- southsidevanews.com
- southtidewaternews.com
- southtrianglenews.com
- southwinstonsalemnews.com
- spartanburgreporter.com
- stpetestandard.com
- sumtertimes.com
- sunshinesentinel.com
- sussexreview.com
- swgeorgianews.com
- swvirginianews.com
- tallahasseesun.com
- tamparepublic.com
- treasurecoastsun.com
- upperwestscnews.com
- upstatescnews.com
- warnerrobinstoday.com
- wcgeorgianews.com
- westatlantanews.com
- westflnews.com
- westhillsboroughnews.com
- westlakenormannews.com
- westnovanews.com
- westvolusianews.com
- westwakenews.com
- williamsburgsun.com
- winstonsalemtimes.com
- wvheartlandnews.com
- yadkinvalleynews.com