DOCI can be built with CMake and depends on BLAS and LAPACK.
It is parallelized for shared memory architectures with the Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) API.
In your terminal, do:
> cd /sourcefolder
> git clone ''
> cd doci
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> make
To build with intermediate printing of energies of the davidson solver, do:
> cmake -DDAVIDIT=ON ..
Building the documentation then happens by:
> make doc
The number of threads used by openMP can be specified by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable. e.g.:
> export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
To see the help for doci do:
> ./doci --help
A template for the input-file and some FCIDUMPS are given in the tests/ directory.
FCIDUMP = path to the FCIDUMP file.
SOLVER = The sparse solver to be used. (D for Davidson, CG for conjugate gradient and CGP for conjugate gradient with diagonal preconditioner). (default: D)
MAX_ITS = Maximum number of iterations. (default: 200)
TOL = The tolerance for convergence. (default: 1e-8)
DAVIDSON_KEEP = The vectors to be kept after deflation in the Davidson algorithm. (default: 2)
DAVIDSON_MAX_VEC = The maximum dimension of the subspace optimization before Davidson deflates. (default: 30) HF_INIT = Set to 1 if initial guess should be the Hartree-Fock solution. Set to 0 if the initial guess should be random. (default: 1)