This is the repository for my personal site. It's built with Jekyll and hosted on Netlify.
New to Git or programming in general? To use this project, you'll need to know how to use the command line and Git. If you want to get up to speed on those, read about the command line, and try Git. Then install Atom or another text editor if you don't have one. Then, follow the directions below.
To run this project locally, you'll need to install Jekyll first, which means you'll need a Ruby environment set up on your computer. That can be tricky the first time, so you may need to do some research for a good tutorial.
- Clone or download the repository.
- Navigate to the directory on the command line.
- Run
jekyll serve
- Go to
to see the site.
To update the live site, push changes to the master
branch – the site will automatically deploy to Netlify.
Made by Kevin McGillivray.