Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured, fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality
- See the official site at http://www.phoenixframework.org/
API documentation is available at http://hexdocs.pm/phoenix
There are no guidelines yet. Do what feels natural. Submit a bug, join a discussion, open a pull request.
$ coffee -o priv/static/js -cw assets/cs
We appreciate any contribution to Phoenix, so check out our CONTRIBUTING.md guide for more information. We usually keep a list of features and bugs in the issue tracker.
- #elixir-lang on freenode IRC
- Issue tracker
- phoenix-talk Mailing list (questions)
- phoenix-core Mailing list (development)
- Robust Routing DSL
- Named route helpers
- resource routing for RESTful endpoints
- Scoped definitions
- Member/Collection resource routes
- Configuration
- Environment based configuration with ExConf
- Integration with config.exs
- Middleware
- Plug Based Connection handling
- Code Reloading
- Environment Based logging with log levels with Elixir's Logger
- Static File serving
- Controllers
- html/json/text helpers
- redirects
- Plug layer for action hooks
- Error page handling
- Error page handling per env
- Views
- Precompiled View handling
- I18n
- Realtime
- Websocket multiplexing/channels
- Browser js client
- iOS client (WIP)
- Android client