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bash, powershell, R table


  • R .. tidyverse

helper command

bash powershell remarks
<cmd> --help man <cmd>, help <cmd>, <cmd> -?
alias | ?{$_.Definition -match "Get-Content"}
alias | group {$_.Definition} | sort -p Name
Get-Command | group Verb | sort -p count -desc
which make (gcm make).Path
which bash $pshome
pwd pwd



bash powershell R remarks
echo $((1+2)), echo '1+2' | bc 1+2, "1+2" | iex 1+2
seq 1 10 | awk '{a+=$1} END{print a;}, seq 1 10 | paste -s -d "+" - | bc (1..10 | measure -sum).Sum 1:10 |> sum(), eval(parse(text="1+2"))
1..100 | %{$num=$_; ,@($_, (@(15, 5, 3, 1) | %{$num % $_ -eq 0}).indexof($true))} | %{@("fizzbuzz", "buzz", "fizz", $_[0])[$_[1]]} 1:100 |> as_tibble() |> mutate(v3 = if_else(value%%3==0,"fizz",NA), v5 = if_else(value%%5==0, "buzz",NA), v15 = str_c(v3, v5)) |> mutate(res = coalesce(v15,v3,v5,as.character(value))) |> pull(res)
echo $(seq 1 100 | grep 3) $(seq 1 3 100) | xargs -n1 | sort -n | uniq 1..100 | ?{("{0}" -f $_).indexof("3") -ge 0 -or $_ % 3 -eq 0}, 1..33 | %{$_ * 3} | ?{"3" -in [char[]][string]($_)} 1:100 |> as_tibble() |> mutate(chr = value |> as.character()) |> filter(value%%3==0 | str_detect(chr,"3")) |> pull(value)
1:27 |> reduce(\(tb,nxt) tb |> filter(value == nth(value, nxt) | (value %% nth(value, nxt) != 0)), .init=(2:10000 |> as_tibble() |> mutate(flag = TRUE))) |> pull(value) Sieve of Eratosthenes


bash powershell R remarks
seq 1 10, {1..10} 1..10 cat(1:10)
seq -f %03g 10, echo {001..010} 1..10 | % { '{0:d3}' -f $_ }, 1..10 | %{$_.ToString('000')} 1:10 |> str_pad(width=3, pad="0")
yes 1 | head -n10 @(1) * 10, ,1 * 10 rep(1,10) link
echo "hello" | fold -s1 | paste -s -d "," - ([char[]]"hello") -join "." "hello" |> str_split_1("") |> str_flatten(collapse=".")
printf hello"%.s" {1..10} "hello" * 10 rep("hello",10) |> str_flatten()
yes 'echo $((RANDOM%100 + 1))' | head -n10 | bash 1..5 | %{Get-Random -max 100},5,replace=TRUE)
'a'..'z' -join ""(in PowerShell 7.2), [char[]]([char]'a'..[char]'z') -join "" letters |> str_flatten()

processing string

bash powershell R remarks
echo "abcba" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:], TMP=abcba; echo ${TMP^^} "abcba".ToUpper() "abcba" |> str_to_upper()
TMP="hello"; echo ${TMP:2:2} -join "hello"[2..3] "hello" |> str_sub(3,4)
echo abcba | sed s/b/z/g, echo abcba | tr 'b' 'z' "abcba" -replace "b", "z" "abcba" |> str_replace_all("b", "z")
cat utf8.txt, nkf --ic=UTF-8 utf8.txt cat utf8.txt -enc utf8 ? apt-get install nkf
sed -e -i '/^$/d' data.txt cat data.txt | ? {$_ -ne ""} readLines("./data.txt") |> discard(\(x) x=="") |> cat(sep="\n")
echo "hello" | rev $s="hello"; -join $s[$s.length..0], "hello" | %{-join $_[$_.length..0]} "hello" |> str_split_1("") |> rev() |> str_flatten("") ps: -join is necessary
echo "2020/04/12" | date "+%Y%m%d" -f - "2020/04/12" | date -f "yyyyMMdd" "2020/04/12" |> ymd() |> format("%Y%m%d")
echo -n "hello" | xxd -p -join (("hello" | Format-Hex).Bytes | %{$_.ToString("x2")) ?

parse string

  • example data.txt is below:
bash powershell R remarks
cat data.txt | wc -m (cat data.txt).Length)
cat data.txt | tr -d ',' -join (cat str1.txt).split(","), cat data.txt | %{ $_ -replace ",", ""}, (cat data.txt).Replace(",",""), ${c:data.txt} -replace ",", "" "abc,defg,hij" |> str_split_1(",") ps: c:... is called probider
cat data.txt | cut -f 2 -d ',' cat data.txt | %{($_ -split ",")[1]}, cat data.txt | % { $_.Split(",")[1] } "abc,defg,hij" |> str_split_1(",") |> _[2]
cat data.txt | xargs -d, -n1 echo > out.txt cat data.txt | %{$_ -split ','}
[char[]][string](cat ./words2.txt) | group | sort -p Count -desc | Select -first 5 Count, Name "abc,defg,hij" |> str_split_1("") |> as_tibble() |> summarize(n=n(), .by=value) |> arrange(desc(n)) |> slice(1:5)

row * 1

  • example data.txt is below:
bash powershell R remarks
cat data.txt | wc -l (cat data.txt).Length, cat data.txt | measure -Line
cat data.txt | grep -E "^a" cat data.txt | ? { $_ -cmatch "^a" } use -match If insensitive
cat data.txt | head -n2 cat data.txt -head 2, cat data.txt | select -First 2
cat data.txt | paste -s -d "+" - (cat data.txt) -join "+", $OFS="+"; [string](0..10); rv OFS
cat data.txt | shuf -n2 cat data.txt | Get-Random -Count 2 read_lines(I("abc\ndefg\nhij")) |> sample()
cat data.txt | % {$i=0} {"Value:$_ Index:$i"; $i++}

row * col

  • example data.txt is below:
Alice 22 Japan
Bob 34 France
Chen 19 China
Dick 9 Australia
bash powershell remarks
cat data.txt | cut -f 1,3 -d " " cat data.txt | cfs -d " " | ft P1,P3, Import-csv ./data.txt -d " " -header name,age,country | select name,country
cat data.txt | sort -k2 -n cat data.txt | cfs -d " " | sort -p "P2" -p=-Property
cat data.txt | sort -k2 -n | cut -f1 -d " " cat ./data.txt | %{,$_.split(" ")} | sort -p {[int]$_[1]} | %{$_[0]}
cat data.txt | cut -f2 -d ' ' | awk '{x++;sum+=$1}END {printf("%.2f\n", sum/x)}' cat data.txt | cfs -d " " | % {[int]$_.P2} | measure -ave
(cat data.txt | cfs -d "," | %{$_.P1 * $_.P2} | measure -sum).Sum


bash powershell remarks
pwd Convert-Path ., $pwd.Path
touch a.txt New-Item -Type File a.txt
resolve-path ./a.txt, (ls ./a.txt).FullName
rm -rf dir if { Test-Path dir } { rm -r -fo dir} -fo:-force
mkdir -p sub/dir mkdir -ea 0 sub/dir link
grep "word" -r . ls -r . | Select-String -Pattern "word"
grep "word" -l -r . ls -r . | Select-String -Pattern "word" | Select-Object -Unique Path link
find . -iname *.txt ls -r . | ? { $_ -match ".*.txt" }
find . -type d dirA
find . -iname *.txt -exec du -bh {} \;
cat data.txt | md5sum (Get-FileHash -a md5 data.txt).Hash, get-filehash -a md5 -i ([IO.MemoryStream]::new([Text.Encoding]::utf8.GetBytes((cat -raw data.txt)))) -raw: get as [string]
echo -n "hello" | md5sum get-filehash -a md5 -i ([IO.MemoryStream]::new([Text.Encoding]::utf8.GetBytes(("hello"))))
`import-csv ./test.csv | gm -membertype NoteProperty | Select Name


Note) prepare shellscript not REPL.

bash poweshell remarks
cd $(dirname ${0}) && pwd $PSScriptRoot script path itself


bash powershell remarks
ps aux ps
pkill <process_name> kill -n <process_name>
nproc Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Processor | fl NumberOfCores
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Wind32_LogicalDisk | Select *


bash powershell remarks
~/.bashrc $profile
$BASH --version $PSVersionTable
pwd (pwd).path
echo 'export PATH=/path/to/dir:$PATH' >> .profile $ENV:Path="C:/path/to/dir;"+$ENV:Path
printenv, env ls env:




command table between powershell, bash, R and SQL






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