Regrunch is a multiplatform Kotlin library to:
- parse regular expressions;
- convert regular expressions into finite automata;
- list strings accepted by finite automata;
- answer to some decisions properties of finite automata.
Plus on its base CLI application is built to generate strings from regex pattern that can be used for wordlist generation.
Regrunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a regex to be used in generating the wordlists. The wordlists are created through converting passed regex into deterministic finite automata and extracting all string that it accepts. Additionally, to regex you can determine the amount of characters and set of characters.
Regrunch uses gradle as build tool. Gradle wrapper goes with project, as result it requires only a Java JDK version 8 or higher to be installed.
git clone --depth 1 --branch latest-release
cd regrunch
./gradlew linkReleaseExecutableNative
cp ./build/bin/native/releaseExecutable/regrunch.kexe regrunch
./regrunch --help
$ ./regrunch --help
Usage: regrunch [OPTIONS] REGEX
Generate strings from regex
-m, --max-length INT Limits length of strings generated from
regex, required in case regex defines
infinite amount of strings
-a, --alphabet [ascii|ascii-printable|ascii-digits]
Symbols set used for string generation
-s, --symbols TEXT Symbols used for string generation
-i, --case-insensitive / --case-sensitive
Enables/disables i (case insensitive) flag
for regex
-h, --help Show this message and exit
REGEX Regex to generate strings
Name | Example | Is supported | Note |
Concatenation | abc |
Yes | |
Union | a|b , a| , |a |
Yes | |
Quantifiers | |||
Kleene star | a* |
Yes | |
Plus quantifier (1 or more) | a+ |
Yes | |
Question mark (0 or 1) | a? |
Yes | |
Exact repeats | a{2} , a{3,} , a{4,6} |
Yes | |
Lazy quantifiers | a*? , a+? , a?? , a{2}? , a{3,}? , a{4,6}? |
Yes | |
Possessive quantifiers | a*+ , a+= , a?+ , a{2}+ , a{3,}+ , a{4,6}+ |
No | |
Shorthand character classes | |||
Dot character | . |
Yes | |
Digit character | \d |
Yes | |
Non-digit character | \D |
Yes | |
Whitespace character | \s |
Yes | |
Non-whitespace character | \S |
Yes | |
Word character | \w |
Yes | |
Non-word character | \W |
Yes | |
Codepoint from unicode category/script/block | \p{Letter} , \p{Sm} , \p{Thai} , \p{InLimbu} |
No | |
Codepoint not from unicode category/script/block | \P{M} , \P{Control} , \P{Greek} , \P{InLao} |
No | |
Any unicode grapheme | \X |
No | |
Hexadecimal notation | \x3e |
Yes | |
Hexadecimal notation | \x{003E} |
No | |
Unicode notation | \u003e |
Yes | |
Octal notation | \044 |
No | \044 will be treated as simple character concatenation 044 |
Control character notation | \cA , \cb ,\cf |
Yes | |
\ escape | \\ |
Yes | |
Non-printable character | |||
Tab character (0x09) | \t |
Yes | |
Carriage return character (0x0D) | \r |
Yes | |
Line feed character (0x0A) | \n |
Yes | |
Vertical tab | \v |
Yes | |
Horizontal tab | \h |
Yes | |
Bell character (0x07) | \a |
Yes | |
Backspace character (0x08) | \b |
Yes | \b correspond to backspace character only when used in character class notation: [\b] |
Escape character (0x1B) | \e |
Yes | |
Form feed character (0x0C) | \f |
Yes | |
Character classes | [0248] |
Yes | |
Negation in character classes | [^0248] |
Yes | |
Ranges in character classes | [0-36-9b-d] |
Yes | |
Shorthands in character classes | [ab\d] |
Yes | |
Character class subtraction | [0-9-[0-6-[0-3]]] |
No | |
Character class intersection | [0-9&&[0-6]&&[4-9]] |
No | |
Capturing groups | (\d\d)-(\d\d) |
Yes | |
Non capturing groups | (?:a|b)c |
Yes | |
Lookahead groups | a(?=b) , a(?!b) |
No | |
Lookbehind groups | (?<=a)b , (?<!a)b |
No | |
Atomic groups | a(?>bc|b)c |
No | |
Anchors | No | Parser will parse regular expression properly, but string generator will report that it does not support anchors | |
Start and end of line | $abc^ , |
No | |
Start and end of string | \Aabc\Z |
No | |
End of string only | abc\z |
No | |
Previous match | \Gabc |
No | |
Word boundary | .+\b.+ |
No | \b correspond to backspace character when used in character class notation: [\b] |
Non word boundary | .+\B.+ |
No |
Use-case | Regular expression | CLI command | Output |
All 3 digit combinations | \d{3} |
./regrunch '\d{3}' |
000 001 002 ... 998 999 |
All 3 digit combinations | [0-9]{3} |
./regrunch '[0-9]{3}' |
000 001 002 ... 998 999 |
All 3 digit combinations of arabic digits | [٠-٩]{3} |
./regrunch '[٠-٩]{3}' |
٠٠٠ ٠٠١ ٠٠٢ ... ٩٩٨ ٩٩٩ |
Georgian alphabet | [ა-ჰ] |
./regrunch '[ა-ჰ]' |
All positive 3 digit numbers | [1-9][0-9]{0,2} |
./regrunch '[1-9][0-9]{0,2}' |
1 10 100 101 ... 998 999 |
All positive 3 digit numbers | [1-9][0-9]* |
./regrunch --max-length 3 '[1-9][0-9]*' |
1 10 100 101 ... 998 999 |
All ip addresses in | 192\.168(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])){2} |
./regrunch '192\.168(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])){2}' | ... ... |
All 6 bit masks | [01]{6} |
./regrunch '[01]{6}' |
000000 000001 000010 000011 ... 111110 111111 |
All words with 4, 5 and 6 letters followed by 2 digits and 1 of special characters !, % or # | [a-zA-Z]{4,6}\d\d[!%#] |
./regrunch '[a-zA-Z]{4,6}\d\d[!%#]' |
AAAA00! AAAA00# AAAA00% AAAA01! ... zzzzzz99# zzzzzz99% |
All combination of character cases for word 'taylor' followed by 2 digits and exclamation mark | [Tt][Aa][Yy][Ll][Oo][Rr][0-9]{2}! |
./regrunch '[Tt][Aa][Yy][Ll][Oo][Rr][0-9]{2}!' |
TAYLOR00! TAYLOR01! TAYLOR02! TAYLOR03! ... taYLOr55! ... taylor98! taylor99! |
All combination of character cases for word 'taylor' followed by 2 digits and exclamation mark | taylor[0-9]{2}! with i flag |
./regrunch -i 'taylor[0-9]{2}!' |
TAYLOR00! TAYLOR01! TAYLOR02! TAYLOR03! ... taYLOr55! ... taylor98! taylor99! |