R code to generate optimal active portfolio allocations against a benchmark using a modified Grinold-Kahn (1999) framework. It uses a risk-model based on historical factor-loadings/betas on excess-return factors. In the current implemenetation, the alpha-signal is generated on a monthly basis and both the active and benchmark portfolios are rebalanced monthly. Modify the signal_data.csv file in order to use your own alpha-signals.
Current parameters
Benchmark Portfolio
60% SPY 40% Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index
Factor universe
CAPM Market, Fama-French HML, SMB, UMD, CMA, RMW.
Asset Universe
Russell 1000 Growth and Value Russell 2000 Growth and Value Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index
Transaction costs
Provided in transaction_cost_data.csv
Long-only, Max. Active risk < 15% annualized
Beta significance-level p = 0.005 (two-tailed)