Reading List is a free, open source iOS app for iPhone and iPad. Reading List allows users to track and catalog the books they read.
- Xcode 10.1
Reading List uses a couple of package managers:
- Mint, to manage Swift command line tool packages
- Bundler, to manage Ruby tools
- SwiftLint, to enforce Swift style and conventions
Mint and SwiftLint can be installed using Homebrew (among other methods); Bundler can be installed with RubyGems:
brew install mint
brew install swiftlint
gem install bundler
The Xcode project should be generated by running XcodeGen:
mint run yonaskolb/XcodeGen
Reading List uses various third party libraries, which are managed using CocoaPods. To ensure that CocoaPods is installed, run bundler install
. To install the libraries, run:
pod install
Reading List is written in Swift, and primarily uses Apple provided technologies.
Reading List mostly uses storyboards for UI design (see below); a limited number of user input views are built using Eureka forms.
Reading List uses Core Data for data persistence. There are three entities used in Reading List: Book
, Subject
and List
. The attributes and relations between then are illustrated below: