Influx/MQTT exporter for weather stations running EasyWeather software.
Influenced by Domoticz-PWS-Plugin.
You can use the WSView Plus app to set up your weather station to upload data to ws-upload. Follow the instructions below.
- Install the WSView Plus app.
- Open the app and connect to your weather station.
- Select Customized in the menu.
- Select Enable.
- Select Wunderground for Protocol Type Same As.
- Enter the server IP/hostname where ws-upload is running.
- Enter the path
(including the final question mark). - Enter a station ID. This is an arbitrary string that identifies your weather station. It is used to create the measurement name in InfluxDB. You can use the name of your weather station, for example.
- Enter a station key. This is an arbitrary string that is used to authenticate your weather station. This should be as secure as a password. You can use a password generator to create a random string. You will need this key later to configure ws-upload.
- Enter the port where ws-upload is running. The default port is 9108.
- Set an upload interval
- Click on Save.
Older instructions for WS View or WS Tool
The easiest way to run ws-upload is by using Docker. You can use the following command to run ws-upload:
docker run -d \
--name ws-upload \
-p 9108:9108 \
-e STATION_PASSWORD=your_station_key \
--restart unless-stopped \ \
Replace your_station_key
with the station key you entered in the WSView Plus app.
Binaries are available on the releases page.
All options are available as environment variables and as flags. Flags take precedence over environment variables.
ws-upload server [flags]
--addr string the address for the HTTP server to listen on (environment ADDR) (default ":9108")
--enable-influx-debug enable influx debug output (environment ENABLE_INFLUX_DEBUG)
--enable-json-debug enable json debug output (environment ENABLE_JSON_DEBUG)
-h, --help help for server
--influx-addr string InfluxDB HTTP address, set empty to disable (environment INFLUX_ADDR) (default "http://localhost:8086")
--influx-auth-token string InfluxDB auth token, use username:password for InfluxDB 1.8 (environment INFLUX_AUTH_TOKEN)
--influx-bucket string InfluxDB bucket, set to database/retention-policy or database for InfluxDB 1.8 (environment INFLUX_BUCKET) (default "weather")
--influx-measurement-name string InfluxDB measurement name (environment MEASUREMENT_NAME) (default "weather")
--influx-organization string InfluxDB organization, do not set if using InfluxDB 1.8 (environment INFLUX_ORGANIZATION)
--mqtt-brokers strings MQTT broker addresses, leave empty to disable (environment MQTT_BROKERS) (default [tcp://])
--mqtt-client-id string MQTT client ID, default will be autogenerated based on the client hostname (environment MQTT_CLIENT_ID)
--mqtt-debug whether to enable debug logging (environment MQTT_DEBUG)
--mqtt-home-assistant-device-identifiers strings HomeAssistant identifiers (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS)
--mqtt-home-assistant-device-manufacturer string HomeAssistant manufacturer (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER)
--mqtt-home-assistant-device-model string HomeAssistant model (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DEVICE_MODEL)
--mqtt-home-assistant-device-name string HomeAssistant name (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DEVICE_NAME)
--mqtt-home-assistant-device-prefix string HomeAssistant device prefix (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DEVICE_PREFIX) (default "weatherstation_")
--mqtt-home-assistant-discovery-enabled whether HomeAssistant MQTT discovery is enabled (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLED) (default true)
--mqtt-home-assistant-discovery-interval duration HomeAssistant MQTT discovery interval (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL) (default 30s)
--mqtt-home-assistant-discovery-prefix string HomeAssistant MQTT discovery prefix (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX) (default "homeassistant")
--mqtt-home-assistant-discovery-qos int HomeAssistant MQTT discovery QoS (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_QOS) (default 1)
--mqtt-home-assistant-unique-id string HomeAssistant unique ID prefix (environment MQTT_HOMEASSISTANT_UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX)
--mqtt-password string MQTT password (environment MQTT_PASSWORD)
--mqtt-qos int the QoS to send the messages at (environment MQTT_QOS)
--mqtt-topic string topic to publish to (environment MQTT_TOPIC) (default "homeassistant/sensor/sensorWeatherStation/state")
--mqtt-username string MQTT username (environment MQTT_USERNAME)
-p, --station-password string the station password that will be accepted (environment STATION_PASSWORD)
A typical configuration using environment variables when publishing to both InfluxDB and Home Assistant (via MQTT) might look like this: