A stock information collector and parser for Taiwan and US market. Automatically send LINE message if the pre-defined rules are triggered.
sharing and learning python skills
A note-taking app for vocabulary (wip)
An English Dictionary for finding meaning , synonyms, antonyms of a word
A Flash Card App written entirely in Python and uses Kivy for GUI, Oxford's REST API for definitions, example sentences, etc. Includes features to add new words and create and customize your own st…
Dictionary App that enable user to translate word and listen slow or fast by using HTML CSS Javascript API SCSS
Terminal version of Cambridge Dictionary by default. Also supports Merrian-Webster Dictionary.
An online bookshop developed in django-3 which allow users to purchase books online :)
線上學習系統,課程管理系統,learning management system,Elearning system with python django
Cambridge dictionary CLI using Beautiful Soup and sqlite3 database
A flashcards web-application built with Django.
Stock Yahoo Finance Info to Python dictionary
Use python to make a online vocabulary searching with Yahoo dictionary
📔 教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》 網路爬蟲 :: A live web crawler for the Chinese-Chinese dictionary published by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan
A simple and elegant notebook to write new words and discover their meanings and synonyms
This is an open source Android dictionary application which support 'stardict' format dictionaries.
Use Django To Create A Simple Shopping Site Tutorial
Android项目,主要功能是食堂订餐,自习锁屏,二手市场,失物招领,小论坛 ,智能识物,老师控屏,发布签到,智能查寝,依旧便签,模拟选座,课表以及跑步记单词打卡
项目为北京交通大学软件学院移动应用开发课程设计,以同组成员用户界面设计与评价的课程设计为开发原型,以 kotlin 为开发语言,进行部分功能的设计与实现。基本实现了注册登录、第三方登录、每日打卡、阅读英语文章和单词记忆等功能。