- Nairobi, Kenya
- https://www.komu.engineer
fgtrace is an experimental profiler/tracer that is capturing wallclock timelines for each goroutine. It's very similar to the Chrome profiler.
Tyk Pro demo using docker and docker compose, supercedes tyk_quickstart
Collection of re-usable UI components used to build Tyk products
Tyk Docker Demo with full Pro Tyk Installation and more!
Tyk Authentication Proxy for third-party login
Tyk Analytics Pump to move analytics data from Redis to any supported back end (multiple back ends can be written to at once).
Tyk Sync - move Tyk configurations between multiple environments
Docs for Tyk Open source API gateway and API management platform. 100% Cloud native
Tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go, supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP and gRPC protocols
Ansible playbook to run performance tests for the Tyk Gateway, as well as Kong Gateway, and Apollo Server
A Helm chart repository to install Tyk Pro (with Dashboard), Tyk Hybrid or Tyk Headless chart.
Bootstraps tyk-stack Helm Chart in Kubernetes.
The glue that bonds AWS, terraform and Github Actions.
SLIs and SLOs with Prometheus and Grafana for your APIs managed by Tyk
World's fastest log analysis: λ + SQL + JSON + S3
ote updates a packages' go.mod file with a comment next to all dependencies that are test dependencies; identifying them as such.
jlucktay / zxcvbn-go
Forked from nbutton23/zxcvbn-goImplementation of the zxcvbn password complexity algorithm in Go
Starter-kit for writing services in Go using Kubernetes.